Saturday, February 1, 2014

California Almonds,Water and Bees

California Almonds,Water and Bees

  1. Parched, California Cuts Off Tap To Agencies

    New York Times-15 hours agoShare
    LOS ANGELES — Acting in one of the worst droughts in California's history, state officials announced on Friday that they would cut off the water ...
  2. California drought could force key water system to cut deliveries

    Los Angeles Times-9 hours ago
    The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the state project's largest customer, has said it has enough supplies in reserve to get the ...
  3. Scientists: Past California droughts have lasted 200 years

    msnNOW-13 hours ago
    California in 2013 received less rain than in any year since it became a state in 1850. And at least one Bay Area scientist says that based on ...

In late January and February, honeybees are due to arrive in California’s almond orchards for what has become an increasingly scrutinized job: fertilizing the pink-and-white blossoms on nearly 800,000 acres of trees. The crop was strong last year, yielding a near-record 1.9 billion pounds of almonds, or 80% of the global output. The bee population wasn’t nearly as fortunate as colonies suffered losses of 30%, twice the usual rate, extending what scientists call colony collapse disorder—the sudden disappearance of bees believed to be caused by a combination of pesticides, parasites and poor bee nutrition. “We manage to squeak through each year with almonds,” says Christi Heintz, executive director of Project Apis, an organization that directs research into enhancing the health of honeybee colonies. “But if you get a combination of a short bee supply and poor pollination weather, it’s a disaster waiting to happen.”

No one is confident that the bee population will be any stronger this year. “Too soon to know,” says the Almond Board of California. What is known is that disappearing bees have left almond growers scrambling to source the insects, at a cost of $156 (U.S.) per hive in 2013. (Hives cannot be imported from Canada or elsewhere due to decades-old concerns about the spread of disease and parasites.) The costs add up: Most farmers rent two hives per acre. The Globe and Mail

  1. California farms lead the way in almond production

    Los Angeles Times-Jan 12, 2014Share
    Eat an almond anywhere in the world and chances are that it was ...Almonds are a relatively thirsty crop, and farmers need to water them even ...

  2. San Joaquin Valley farmers take drastic measures to deal with drought

    Fresno Bee-Jan 18, 2014
    Skip Sagouspe looks over bulldozed almond trees in an orchard at ... But without adequate surface water, even almonds, especially older trees, ...
  3. Booming foreign sales increase California's almond joy

    The Seattle Times-Jan 16, 2014
    Almonds surpass wine as California's top agricultural export, and the state ... The stingywater supplies resulted in smaller almonds this year.
  4. The Benefits of Almond Milk

    DESIblitz-Jan 29, 2014
    It is produced by finely grinding almond nuts together with water, and it is easy to make at home and can be kept longer than cow's milk without ...

    1. Water battles loom as orchards boom in Stanislaus County

      Modesto Bee-Jan 11, 2014
      Almonds are fetching record-high prices, and the world's demand for ...the right climate and the right soils and, until lately, we've had the water.

    2. Drought declared in California as state battles watershortages ...

      New York Daily News-Jan 17, 2014Share
      Some cities are in danger of running out of water... Eighty percent of the world's almonds, for example, are grown in California, and the Almond ...

    3. DIY PANTRY – Oat Milk, Almond Milk and Rice Milk

      Slow food-Jan 30, 2014
      Place 1 cup almonds (raw, unsalted, with skins on) in a bowl or glass jar and cover with cold water. Allow to soak overnight, then drain and ...

    4. Wine stocks could run dry as devastating drought in California...

      Daily Mail-1 hour ago
      ... State are fearing harvests of almonds, oranges and grapes could be lost. ... The unprecedented move means water supplies for 25 million ...
    5. California Grape Area Being Ripped Up for Almonds, Ciatti Says

      Bloomberg-Jan 6, 2014
      Growing regions in central California are struggling as they face “collapsing” wells and aquifers, with the government reducing initial water ...
    6. Sweet meets savory on a Moroccan sojourn

      Chicago Tribune-19 hours ago
      Layers of phyllo sprinkled with almonds, cinnamon, rose water and powdered sugar arrived on a tray, intact, until a waiter poured warm milk ...


      1. Almond growers scramble as honeybees decline

        The Globe and Mail-Jan 30, 2014
        The crop was strong last year, yielding a near-record 1.9 billion pounds of almonds, or 80% of the global output. The bee population wasn't ...
      2. The Hush of Hives 30, 2014
        I love my bees and beekeeping is not only rewarding but the scent of rich, moist, fresh ... Almonds aren't the only crop needing mass pollination.
      3. Blog: Australian Honeybees Unable to Make Honey

        Malibu Times (blog)-by Reese Halter-22 hours ago
        Bees require nectar to make honey -- their only food source. ... in the springtime also cause sterile pollen in many plants like almonds, plums, ...
      4. Book illustrates uncertain future for bees and their keepers

        Record-Searchlight-Jan 17, 2014
        Without bees, our diet would be much poorer. And honeybees survive because Central Valley California almond growers need vast numbers of ...

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