Saturday, July 7, 2018

Aryan Agrarian

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aryan Agrarian

Aryan Agrarian ...
by Tony Ryals

Then there was later Old World agricultural man,
Migrating further north as he settled southern land,
And losing to survive his healthy southern tan,
Creeping further north a kilometer or so a year,
Darker complected babies dying causing pain and fear,
Bringing agricultural seeds from the Fertile Crescent or Turkey’s Anatolian,
Where god was once revered as a woman not a man,
But one thing they could not predict one thing they could not foresee,
Was that their diet, which once sustained them well, was now deficient of Vitamin-D,
What was once a vitamin provided by the sun reacting with the skin,
Was now blocked by protective clothing and skin pigment melanin,
Which deprived their bones in turn of assimilating calcium,
So the disease we now call rickets got the best of them,
How many generations and pain they would endure,
Before the skin was pale enough to provide a rickets cure,
And somewhere in that migration,
They evolved the characteristics of the agricultural northern European,
Lighter skin pigmentation,
Only lighter skinned babies surviving to reproductive age,
Human history turning another page,
A critical distance north and a critical dietary deficiency,
And of sunlight to produce enough Vitamin-D,
The non-agricultural Inuit, or native Alaskan,
The indigenous Siberian,
Or the in-land Asian,
Who are the Inuit’s animal-herding cousins,
And possibly,
The Saami speaking “Lapp,”
With Vitamin-D in seafood and animal fat,
Never faced an evolutionary pressure such as that,
And somewhere in that migration now believed to be Ukraine,
These pale skinned agricultural men encountered the horses they would tame,
They attached them to the wheel and rode them south again,
Like warm air rising then cooling and coming back down,
White skin dropping back south where once they had been brown,
Like Vikings of the land but with horses and chariots too,
Back south they traveled over how many a migration and generation as their numbers grew,
Back south they became the Hitites, pre-Islamic Kurds, and Iranian Persians too,
Till they came upon what we call India and became Hindu,
Indo-European speakers we call Hittites settled in the Turkish Anatolian,
Possibly the cradle of their birth,
But roamed and warred over much of the surrounding earth,
As far as Egypt they invaded,
Their horses and chariots carrying them,
Both sides claiming a military win,
In Europe and Central Asia, Indo-Aryan,
Were present,
Several millennia ago BC,
Called Mattini,
In the Fertile Crescent,
Hittites in Anatolia,
Aryans in India,
They were called Kurgans in Europe’s east,
And eventually Acheans,
Then Dorians,
In Greece,
There were probably more where they came from,
Lost in the dust to the historian,
And long before fair-haired Alexander sacked his fellow Indo-European Persians,
In what is now called Iran,
And grew weary there in India after crossing Pakistan,
His ancient, Indo-Aryan, or proto-European, ancestors had settled there,
And the Vedas and the Upanishads had writ,
In an earlier Indo-European language we call Sanskrit,
And even longer before Marco Polo inspired the west with his Chinese lore,
These Indo-European agrarian horsemen were knocking at China's door,
But there they dissipated and crashed upon its desert floor,
Caucasian mummies in the Chinese desert so recent headlines read,
For up to 2,000 years before our Christian savior these Caucasians had been dead,
Caucasians with a difference if one might for human evolutionary history discriminate,
Neither Middle Eastern Semitic nor the marginalized Asian Ainu,
These Caucasian mummies show their historic Northern European agricultural Vitamin-D deficiency through and through,
Buried in history, wearing Nordic textiles, and with the Ukrainian wheel of their horsemen too,
Try to imagine if you will, try to imagine if you can,
The horses rode on, the horses rode on,
Carrying chariots and pale men,
And judging from the mummies--they wore handsome woolen pants,
Meaning also on horseback they did prance,
Looking for new old land to settle, doing their Aryan agrarian war-like dance,
And the horsemen charged like a thousand horsemen of the apocalypse,
The old Dravidian culture shining in the Indian sun is shaded in cultural eclipse,
Thus ended a culture that had perhaps for millennia,
Before the invasion of the arya,
Traded with Sumeria,
And cultivated cotton for textiles 2,000 years before Egypt or Mesopotamia,
How strange and frightening it must have been,
To have been confronted by these pale light-haired horsemen,
Invading lands of the darker-skinned horseless tribes and cultures of India's indigenous Dravidian,
Something like that would happen millennia later,
To America's indigenous culture,
Forced to go to war,
With and against the Euro-Spanish conquistador,
All too easy for these Indo-Aryans to see themselves apart,
With their language, religion, art,
Skin-color, agri-military, horse and chariot,
And agricultural,
They came not just to fight, loot, rape, and run away,
These agri-military invaders came to stay,
The conquered Dravidian to the south withdrew,
Leaving northern India-Pakistan to the Aryan-Hindu,
And those Dravidians who stayed behind,
To the new social order resigned,
Were absorbed into the caste system the conquerors designed,
Although these Dravidians had themselves been agrarian,
Creators of an enviable civilization,
The Indo-European conquerors took for themselves the title of 'Aryan,’
Which in their language meant ‘agrarian,’
Which is to say 'tiller of the soil,’
Although the lower castes no doubt performed the toil,
And in this title lies the paradox within,
These Indo-Aryans had named themselves for the very phenomenon,
That in northern Europe had lightened their skin,
And that's a root word for the area and peoples of the world now called 'European,’
Which is just another spelling for what could as well have been spelled ‘Aryapean,’
Which means more or less “of the agrarian,”
And oh, did they bring their Baltic or Ukranian,
Lithuanian or Iranian,
Gods with them?
To incorporate them into their Indian religion,
Did they incorporate Dravidian gods into,
These Hindu,
Their own godly pantheon?
No doubt there were polytheistic similarities,
And Dravidian religious art,
That could not help but inspire their Hindu conqueror adversaries,
To see their gods through it in part,
A god for every need a god for every question,
Till the ones trying to placate them are filled with god indigestion,
Then some flirting with monotheism,
Although with healthy skepticism,
As in the Veda's ‘Song of Creation’:
1. Then there was not non-existent nor existent: there
      was no realm of air, no sky beyond it.
What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter?
      was water there, unfathomed depth of water?
2. Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal:
      no sign was there, the day's and night's divider.
That one thing, breathless, breathed by its own na-
      ture: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.
3. Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness, this
      All was undiscriminated chaos.
All that existed then was void and formless; by the
      great power of warmth was born that unit.
4. Thereafter rose desire in the beginning, Desire the
      primal seed and germ of spirit.
Sages who searched with their heart's thought dis-
      covered the existent's kinship in the non-existent.
5. Transversely was their severing line extended: what
      was above it then, and what below it?
There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free
      action here and energy of yonder.
6. Who verily knows and who can here declare it,
      whence it was born and whence comes this
The gods are later than this world's production. Who
      knows, then, whence it first came into being?
7.   He, the first origin of this creation, whether he
      formed it all or did not form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he
      verily knows it, or perhaps he knows it not.
The Rig Veda is the first book of the Vedas,
And is probably the earliest book humanity possesses,
It is dedicated to those ancient Baltic or Ukrainian,
Or Invaders,
'To the Seers, our Ancestors, the first path-finders,’
And all so ingeniously simple its writ,
In a 35 letter alphabetic script,
We call Sanskrit,
An ingenious innovation,
Long before Greek or Hebrew speculation,
Fifteen hundred to 2,500 BC is its age of estimation,
Veda from the Sanskrit root means to Know,
Ver in modern Spanish means to see,
Seeing is believing?
Seeing is knowing?
Maya in Sanskrit means illusion,
All is Maya,
Maya, Mother of Buddha,
Indigenous agrarian,
Of Meso-America,
So we flash ahead a millennia or so later and the Aryans have long settled down,
They have so far avoided Dravidian agricultural collapse,
A miracle perhaps,
And affluence is all around,
If you're an Aryan,
A privileged one,
Around 800 BC more religio-philosophic writings--the Upanishads are born,
Of some of the old ways of ritual,
It is critical,
Saying ‘those engaged in them considering themselves men of understanding and learned stumble along aimlessly. Like blind men led by the blind, and fail to reach the goal,’
Although for the less educated, probably overly intellectual,
For ritual to them was heart and soul,
And in saying 'Nothing is higher than the person ' thus exalting not society but the individual,
Was for the lower caste unreal,
And for the upper caste who sought to bribe the gods or god not ideal,
'What is the universe? From what does it arise? Into what does it go? In freedom it rises. In freedom it rests. In freedom it melts away.,’
And in the Bhagavad Gita,
We find Arjuna,
A sort of Hindu-Aryan Cain,
Although more cerebral,
With organized military might at his disposal,
But grieving over his friends and relatives to be slain,
And with his Lord Krishna at his side,
Helping him find meaning in his bloody chariot ride,
A story that would be applicable to his fellow Indo-European Greeks,
Always at one another's jugulars trying to topple each other’s city-states,
'The whole works of mortals is an interdependent organism' says the Mahabarata,
A sensitivity to nature also shared by Buddha,
A very early biospheric vision,
By the 6th or 7th century BC,
A Sanskrit grammar is written by Panini,
It is still referred to as the foremost Sanskrit authority,
In it Panini makes reference to Greek script,
Meaning contacts with the West long before Alexander into India slipped,
And written some two millennia before their Indo-European cousins to the west,
Would undertake the same linguistic quest,
Ten formed the basis of enumeration as early as the writings of the Rig Veda,
They also invent a zero sign,
Decimal place value system and the minus sign,
And use letters of the alphabet,
From their writing system—Sanskrit,
For unknown quantities in algebra,
The earliest known use of the zero sign or “shunya,”
Conceived also in the New World by the Maya,
Is found in a 200 BC,
Book of scripture,
Represented by a small dot and later a circle,
From nothing,
Arises something,
While most civilizations,
Saw math or time,
In terms,
Of hundreds or thousands,
The Indians,
Contemplated the millions,
Using their zeros,
To contemplate the manys,
The infinities,
A sign of their respect,
For such intellect,
It is a legend of the Buddha,
Between his nightmare and his Nirvana,
His ability to calculate the larger,
Metaphysical number,
Yet it was not until the 8th century AD,
A number of Indian scholars journeyed to Baghdad carrying with them books on mathematics and astronomy,
There, Moslem as well as Greek and Jewish scholars met, bringing mainly Greek philosophy,
As well as Greek science and geometry,
But in Europe they were considered works of the infidel,
It was good enough for them that Euro-Christian Roman numeral,
The earliest European use was a Sicilian coin of AD 1134,
Britain was a little slower,
And waited a couple of centuries more,
Even if the idea of the zero was developed earlier in Babylon,
It was the Indian system,
That was passed along,
From Baghdad, Iraq,
Another historically prime piece of real estate,
Upon which Babylon once sat,
The Fertile Crescent,
All the same area,
From which sprang Ur and Sumeria,
Later Babylonia,
Once real estate prime,
But even during the early Moslem time,
Was in a state of agricultural decline,
'Where women are honored the gods dwell'
Thus said Manu,
Early exponent of the Law who knew,
The legal position of women well,
Always knowing someone,
A father, a husband, or a son,
She had to stand behind to get things done,
And the Lawgiver Yavnavalkya,
Before Buddha,
And several hundreds years before Christ,
Had this advice,
'It is not our religion, still less the color of our skin, that produce virtue; virtue must be practiced. Therefore let no one do to others what he would not have done to himself.’
Long before Christ's golden rule,
Yavnavalkya suggests it as a legal tool,
And documents that discrimination by color of skin,
Remains long after that initial invasion,
Of the Aryan,
Arya comes from the root word to till,
An occupation the invaders saw as noble,
The caste system was harsh,
And by skin color at first,
But other cultures solution to enslave or exterminate worse,
But neither feudal Japan nor Medieval Catholic Europe had advanced any further,
They all had their social pecking order,
Although not so much by skin color,
With time arya loses racial significance and literally comes to mean noble,
Just as unarya means ignoble,
Thus as time passed,
Noble genes mix at last,
And variation of skin color becomes more mixed in the upper class,
So social prestige and class,
Become more confused as the past,
Went hurtling ahead to the future,
And back to those Indo-Aryan,
Chinese mummies again,
A fair-haired female mummy whose double pointed felt hat is interpreted to mean,
More than one husband,
Perhaps a real problem for the wandering Aryan,
Wanting to settle down and be an agrarian,
Far from home but of the military conquest wearying,
No chance of finding an Indo-Aryan female for marrying,
And feeling as so many organisms that drive that biological function,
For sex, orgasm, and reproduction,
And if the Aryan female mummy with the double pointed hat is any indication,
Most had stayed home and weren't available at every occasion,
The Uyger people of the area,
Of western China,
Xinjiang, where the Aryan mummies are found,
Have unusually fair hair and lighter complexions,
Than others in the areas that surround them,
An indication,
Of their eventual genetic assimilation,
With the local population,
So later they came,
Bringing with them their women,
They came to stay,
After the war had driven the Dravidians away,
In carts they more slowly creeped,
In agricultural lore and technique steeped,
And though no doubt rape occurred upon conquest,
Or a more gentle reproductive love was sometimes bequest,
Only formal marriage provided the clout,
To put this racial caste system in doubt,
To put the dominant melanin genes back into this,
This white conqueror misogynist,
Who would want for his children--regardless of skin color--the best,
Yet for many generations Aryan-noble would be proffered by skin color,
The highest ruling class strictly marrying with their Aryan other,
And women,
Will be controlled by their men,
To keep the Aryan genes within,
Similar to the elite conquistadors,
Who after their New World wars,
Sent for their Spanish women,
To reproduce with them,
While both low and high military rank,
Took local women to mate,
Through rape, marriage, or concubinage,
And wealth through lineage,
And with it a chance for a better education,
Than a lower caste Aryan,
Or of darker skin pigmentation,
Would occasion,
And this in turn would give them a free pass,
Into the eventually re-established mercantile class,
That had once flourished in the distant Dravidian past,
Profiting from the specialized craft villages of the lower caste,
The Persian epic poem Sha Namah,
States that when Alexander invaded Persia,
Swords and other weapons were sent for from India,
That the pre-Islamic Arabic word for sword is Muhannad,
Meaning it comes from India is not so odd,
When one considers the enormous Delhi Iron Pillar,
Whose resistance to oxidation for millennia has shown itself to modern technique superior,
But at what a price,
That chunk of metal ice,
How many trees did its manufacture sacrifice?
Perhaps like Meso-American,
Limestone manufacture,
Perhaps consuming natural resources faster and faster,
Bow to the god Shiva the destroyer,
Shiva the creator,
Buddha who achieved enlightenment sitting under a tree,
Included in his teachings that every good Buddhist should plant and see,
To the establishment every five years of at least one tree,
Most historians agree,
The first sizeable lasting civilizations,
Were on the Nile, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley,
They all had fertile soil and irrigation,
And relatively flat land to hinder erosion,
Yet even before the Aryan invasion,
The Hindu Kush and Himalayas under the Dravidians experienced deforestation,
Causing agricultural land below to suffer from increasing siltation,
The invading Indo-Aryan,
Perhaps at first with a smaller population,
May have retreated temporarily from entering into this losing agricultural,
Grain battle,
They simply call war ‘a desire for more cattle,’
Buddha was descended from this Kshatria or ruler-warrior class,
Heir to the Indo-Aryan military victors and rulers of the past,
Yet renouncing the old social ways that gave him and the Brahman priestly class,
Clout by caste,
Looking in pain for a new identity,
Trying to see the infinity,
It is said that he,
Died at the age of 80,
In 544 BC,
In the month of Vaisakha,
On the full moon day of Vaisakhi Purnima,
The very same symbolic Indian day,
On which he was also born and received enlightenment,
Or so they say,
In the months we call May and June anyway,
And as it’s said in western science,
He stood on the shoulders of his cuture’s religious giants,
He had the courage to attack popular religion,
Ceremonial priestcraft and superstition,
The brahmanic priestly classes’ social position,
In Buddha’s time there were forest universities,
A place to learn amidst the trees,
Where students gathered round well known scholars for education,
Surrounded by nature for inspiration,
Buddha spoke his first sermon in the Deer Park near Benares,
Long before Buddha’s time a center for learning and scholars,
And yet Benares had no university,
But more a reputation of teachers and students willing to nurture or debate a good controversy,
Some say that Jesus was a black man,
But at least,
Living in the semi-nomadic Middle East,
He must have had a tan,
And who knows if wise King Solomon,
Was cavorting with a Queen who was Sheeban,
But specific languages and religions in humans are learned not genetic,
And the language Jesus spoke was Aramaic,
A language that’s Semitic,
It appears that Semitic languages back then,
Had greater tribal diversity in,
Back then,
When a language was Semitic,
It wasn’t necessarily Hebrew or Arabic,
And yet after all those years Indian,
Buddha’s ancestors were probably in part Dravidian,
But we know that he spoke and he thought in Sanskrit--Indo-Aryan,
A product of an ancient invasion,
A product of a cultural collision,
No longer just Aryan or Dravidian,
Feeling something was still amiss,
And in need of a synthesis,
Sanskrit is said not to be too hard to understand,
If you are a modern day speaker of an Indian language that’s Indo-Aryan,
That is to say if your language be,
That of Hindi or Bengali,
Gujrati or Marathi,
Dravidian languages of the south though very different,
Have adopted many words of Sanskrit,
Pashto spoken by Moslem fundamentalists of Afghanistan,
Is also the legacy of a past that was Indo-Aryan,
And of a time when Hinduism,
And later Buddhism,
Once was their religion,
Slavic languages have many common roots and forms of Sanskrit,
Although Lithuanian is the closest surviving language in Europe to it,
The Russians speak a language that’s Slavic,
Although their founders were of Swedish “Rus” Viking descent,
Who sailed to Russia on the Baltic,
And only borrowed it,
Because the majority of the Russian population,
For millennia before the Rus-Viking invasion,
Were Slavic-speaking and agrarian,
Living near the western most steppes of the continent—Eurasian,
And the eastern most portions of the Baltic region,
Which may be,
The cradle from which so much Indo-Aryan migration,
Or invasion,
Both to India and Iran,
But more so to southern and western,
European land,
For millennia on end,
Sprang from,
Long before they were shuffled up again,
In the first Christian millennium,
By the Hun,
And perhaps the place where this linguistic group,
Originally a darker western Asian,
Lost much of their melanin,
Skin pigmentation,
During their northerly pedestrian,
Agrarian migration,
Before the steppe horses’ domestication,
And the conversion,
Of some of them,
From agricultural,
To a more nomadic pastoral,
But Indo-Aryan,
Or Indo-European,
Linguistic roots—whether from agrarian migration,
Or invasion,
Are in German and all languages Scandinavian,
They’re in Greek, Italian, and Romanian,
They’re in Serbian and Albanian,
Indo-Aryan roots are also in English,
French and Spanish,
And in Portuguese,
Although the historically agrarian “Finns” of Finland,
Share the same Finno-Ugric,
Language group,
As their northern reindeer herding neighbors of “Lapland,”
But the Finn,
Historically agrarian,
Was perhaps more stressed by Vitamin-D deficiency than,
His reindeer herding linguistic kin,
Of Lapland,
The agrarian Finn,
Naturally selected for genes that produced less melanin,
And they may originally have spoken,
A language that was Indo-European,
Before they became the majority population,
Of Finland,
Even the descendents of the eastern European,
Jewish population,
Show signs of less melanin pigmentation,
Than one whose history is only Middle Eastern,
Or Mediterranean,
After centuries of having spoken,
A mixture of old Eastern European Germanic,
With a little mix of Slavic,
Called Yiddish,
The traditional language of Eastern Europeans who were Jewish,
It really doesn’t matter whether their original language group was Semitic,
Indo-Aryan or Turkic,
The claim to Semitic roots is not perfect,
Whether by genetic mixing,
Within the local population,
In this “melting pot” of the European,
Or a history,
Of a northerly migration,
Long enough to be,
Made lighter by deficiency,
Of Vitamin-D,
Long before the Old Testament came to be,
It just happened that in this ancient agrarian migration,
The majority of those ancient migratory agrarians,
Shared the same linguistic group Indo-Aryan,
Meme or memes,
A term coined by sociobioligist Dawkins,
To describe neural-based memory not hard-wired by the genes,
Of a central nervous system,
Based organism,
Experience stored over the lifetime,
Or the biological clock time,
Of the organism,
Although the genes create the brain,
This doesn’t end the molecular game,
One might say that memes are to the central-neural-brain-memory code,
As the genes are to the genetic code,
And might be called a “psycho-molecular code,”
A sort of molecular semi-conductor,
Not of electrons but of their corresponding neuro-transmitter,
Molecules, it’s the director,
Psycho-molecular rules,
Work at the speed of molecules,
Maybe RNA,
Or protein,
Is essential to the formation of the meme,
Or so thought neurologist Holgar Hyden,
A sort of molecular semi-conductor,
Which, itself is molecular,
The molecular meme,
All the same,
Stores more information,
Than the non-molecular semiconductor,
Per unit of space time,
Short or long term “meme”-ory,
The Holy Grail of psycho-biology,
The same memory molecules in every central nervous system,
Form the memes of memory,
From insect to human being,
A molecular memory chain,
Perhaps even extending,
To the microbial,
Meme, a building block,
One basic component of an organisms overall memory stock,
And in human beings,
They form what we might call “culture-genes,”
To borrow a little from a concept (culturgen),
Of socio-biologist E. O. Wilson,
Formed to store our culture-specific language or religion,
Science or superstition,
Knowledge or misinformation,
Perhaps our death or our salvation,
And mental facts,
Or Wilson’s “mentifacts,”
Beget artifacts,
Ming Dynasty pottery,
And other cultural artistry,
With cultural specificity,
Just practical,
Functional, like the wheel,
For basic transport, or to loot and steal,
One of modern man’s most audacious acts,
Was the manufacture of molecular artifacts,
And never before existent,
In the environment,
Stored perhaps,
In our body fats,
Or for that matter,
Found in our ground water,
Even attacking our ozone layer,
Not of scientists,
But of industrial technocrats,
Not of human genes,
But of memes,
Prioducts of the neural coding of a decadent industrial,
Synthetic chemical,
Man and his confused neural models,
Or symbols,
Directing the movement of atoms and molecules,
Out of synchrony with biospheric rules,
Organized by experience,
And in accordance,
With nutrition and genetics,
That work in tandem,
To form,
The memory of the human,
Or other central nervous system,
On the level of the insect,
By manipulation of their experience or environment,
Normally heterosexual flies in one scientific experiment,
Developed or elicited changes that were behavioral,
Traits or behaviors considered homosexual,
The top crayfish,
To its subordinate fellow crustacean,
It is mean,
Ripping open its abdomen,
With a swish,
Of its tail,
It seems to learn this behavior as well,
First dibs on food,
And the best,
Rock crevice,
To nest in,
The alpha crawdad,
It’s bad,
It’s past winning experience,
Rather than merely genetics,
Serotonin receptor sites to grow,
And so,
They gain neural prominence,
Further increasing the crayfish’s tail-flipping dominance,
Performance and response,
Until one day it loses,
Then serotonin receptor sites diminish,
The former alpha crayfish,
Relearns subordinance,
Neurotransmitter or hormone?
Depending upon,
Not only the quantity,
Of serotonin,
But quality of receptor sites a crawdad has grown,
So, neurotransmitters don’t act alone,
Serotonin won’t enhance,
A crayfish’s aggressive response,
If receptor sites are not there to turn on,
To react upon,
If not, then that former alpha crawdad’s reign will be done,
Perhaps a survival mechanism,
To protect them,
From the new alpha crawdad’s aggression,
According to Shih-Rung Yeh,
Of Georgia State University,
Serotonin receptors of crawdads,
Are of at least two kinds,
And to both of these nerve receptors,
Serotonin binds,
But only one triggers the aggressive tail-flipping frenzies,
The other putting the crayfish at ease,
Leaving the non-alpha crayfish at peace,
Neurotransmitter or hormone?
Also found in the human brain,
An eye for an eye,
A claw for a claw,
That’s what the hormone says,
When it bonds,
To the aggression-producing,
Nerve receptors,
God’s or the devil’s,
Little molecular messengers?
More produced in men,
Than in women,
But perhaps,
As in the case of the crawdad,
Affecting different receptor sights,
Whose development is influenced,
Not just by sex,
But also by nutrition and experience,
Neither neuroreceptors,
Nor probably neurotransmitters,
Are replicated in a manner that’s completely,
But instead are modified,
By the environmental,
Influences of the peripheral,
Nervous system,
Interacting with the central,
Nervous system,
Evolution of experientially evolved software,
Within the cerebral hardware,
German shepards from the same litter,
One a playful house pet,
Never a threat,
While his brother,
Or sister,
Is trained to be a killer,
One might even suspect,
Similar effects,
Caused by human experience,
Somewhat independent of genetics,
Like that between chickens and rooster,
As they learn their pecking order,
Or even the mountain gorilla,
For that matter,
Nutrition and genetics,
But then again experience,
All elicit their effects,
On the behavioral,
What might be called by some,
Cultural or experiential nutrition,
Or cultural or experiential malnutrition,
In addition,
To genetics and food nutrition,
Are not reproduced sexually,
As are the genes,
Of complex organisms,
Such as human beings,
Instead they are replicated experientially,
Through the neural plasticity,
Of the central nervous system,
When he or she dies
The memes are gone,
Only experience will replicate them,
Or approximate them,
In the next generation,
You may clone the genetic code,
But you can’t clone the psycho-molecular code,
Biomolecular relativity,
The unique movement and positioning,
Of energy, atoms, and their molecules,
Through the space of an organism,
And the more rigidly,
Hardwired neurons,
That house them,
Provide them a womb,
Protected from the body’s immune,
To allow for protein diversity,
Of the body’s immune system conformity,
Multi-variable protein formation,
To store multi-variable social,
And environmental,
Plus the neurons and genes,
That house them and make them,
Are all a subset of biomolecular relativity,
What we might call psychomolecular relativity,
Or so it appears to me,
The observer has his own personal,
Psychomolecular relativity,
That effects perception of the world they see,
Not just the comet burning through the night,
But how we’ve come individually,
To perceive this light,
In light of our cultural awareness,
Or our near- or far-sightedness,
The same atoms in neurons,
And brains,
Also compose lungs,
And veins,
Eyes and ears,
Your nose,
And your toes,
But not necessarily forming,
The same molecules,
Or cells,
Atomic spacing,
Molecular positioning,
And their corresponding movement,
Are under different,
Biomolecular relativity,
The unique movement,
And positioning,
Of atoms and molecules,
As modified by life,
And qualities,
Of different molecules,
In biological space,
Neurally evolved proteins
Within the central nervous system,
Woman and man,
Memories and ideas,
The memes within,
The neurons,
With their own,
And RNA,
Yet manufacturing
Protein diversity,
Neural memory,
Rather than rigid gene,
Rather than mere instinctually,
Allowing additional,
Behavioral diversity,
Increasing chances of survivability,
And this diversity of protein,
May explain,
Why the brain,
Is protected,
Separated in part from,
The body's immune system,
A protection,
Against immune
Of the neurons that house them,
That house language and religion,
Our entire thinking system,
Immune response
Under normal conditions
Without a blood-brain barrier
Might reject neurons,
As foreign,
Due to protein,
The brain,
As manufacturer of memory protein,
May house the answer
To the protein disease of "mad cows,"
Or the similar disease
In some New Guinea cannibals
Both from eating human or animal,
Or perhaps eyes or bones
Contaminated by them,
This infirmity of both
Mad cow and cannibal,
May be the same,
Out of control production,
Of redundant protein,
Both infections
Replicating Crutchfield
Jacobs disease proteins,
At the expense,
Of neural structure and memes,
The geneticists speak of what they call drift,
The linguists they do to,
Both might consider collision and synthesis as additional variables to pursue,
Drift just don’t apply when genes and cultures collide,
And in the end,
After a genetic or linguistic collision,
Only a synthesis will abide,
When genes, language, or cultures collide,
And how many problems could we solve,
If we only knew the secret to make them co-evolve,
A story of dominant and recessive memes,
A story of dominant and recessive genes,
Genes and memes in drift,
Genes and memes in collision,
The need for a New World vision,
It was that very late-coming,
Military-industrial Indo-Aryan,
The Englishman,
Who made the Indian,
Sanskrit and European,
Linguistic connection,
Made only by going around the priestly Hindu Brahman,
Who coveted it, as a Catholic priest might covet Latin,
They had no desire to teach their priestly language to anyone,
Especially who was foreign,
Just as the imperialist Englishman,
Discouraged the teaching,
Of English to anyone,
Who was Indian,
It was Sir William Jones,
Sent to India as a judge by the English Crown,
A scholar and linguist of renown,
Who in the 18th century made the Indo-Aryan,
And European,
Linguistic group connection,
Soon to be,
Dominated by scholars who were German,
Of the linguistic,
Of Sanskrit,
Apparently more than a coincidence,
Jones said of it:
'The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin and more exquisitely refined than either: yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs, and in the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all without believing them to have sprung from some common source which perhaps no longer exists ...'
The Aryan mummies
Of Xinjiang,
Are not a class of rulers or nobles,
Nor embalmed Egyptian style,
But dried in the desert heat--preserved,
They came from four major sites,
In central Asia,
Scattered between the arid foothills of Tian Shan,
In northwest China,
Also from the fringes of the Taklimakan,
And near the great caravan route,
That united Eur-Asia,
Evidence of a long extinct language,
Of an Indo-European origin,
That existed in central Asia,
And was known as Torcharian,
Is recorded in manuscripts as late as the 8th century AD,
Wearing clothing spun from rough outer coat,
Meaning ‘kemp’ from sheep or goat,
Dyed blue, green, or brown,
Plaid design woven in diagonal twill pattern,
Requiring sophisticated loom,
Eastermost example of this textile found,
Like textiles from sites in Germany, Austria,
And Scandinavia,
From same time period,
Jawaharlal Nehru documents Indian Indo-Aryan connections,
With Xinjiang’s,
Northern steppe-land areas,
And it’s ancient nomadic and trade route histories,
Decades before these “Europoid”,
Mummies were discovered,
In his book Discovering India which was written,
In 1944 in Ahmadnagar prison,
Where he was held for seeking independence of the Indian,
Subcontinent, from the modern,
English European,
Nehru mentions,
The area these mummies come from,
“We have records of an Indian colony in Khotan,
Now in Sinkiang,”
Or “Xinjiang,” where the Aryan mummies are found,
And evidence of the ancient Indo-Aryan language,
The steppe land that united Eur-Asian,
Into a common,
Though fragmented, steppe land,
Culture, called Scytho-Siberian,
Although the Scythians themselves had a more western,
Permanent agrarian,
Near the Caspian,
And the Black Sea,
For most of the first millennium BC,
Cultivating grains to trade with the Greeks,
Showing agrarian as well as nomadic characteristics,
Little information exists regarding linguistics,
Some believe them to have been Turkic,
Either way the Indo-Aryan,
Mummies of Xinjiang,
Probably pre-date the Scythian,
Of the Buddhist era,
Nehru makes us aware,
That, “trade between India and other countries must have grown,”
And on those same trade routes Buddhism moved along,
Buddhism spread quickly in India from Kashmir,
And from there,
Central Asia,
And the caravan route is near,
Buddhism penetrated into Nepal and China,
As well as Tibet and Mongolia,
In India the religion,
Brought with it vegetarianism,
As well as alcohol abstention,
Possibly both a response to a return to agrarianism,
And away from pastoralism,
And a need to support a growing population,
Agricultural intensification,
Till then the upper caste,
Both Kshatria warrior and,
The Brahman priestly class,
Ate meat and drank wine,
Animal sacrifice was also forbidden,
But it would still be a couple of centuries after Buddha’s time,
Before his fame and post Vedic philosophy would climb,
And eventually,
Buddhist philosophy,
Will be,
Taken from the intellectually,
Of Benares,
And transferred to the more genteel,
Scholar of Taxila,
In the northwestern part of India,
A center of learning to nobles,
Also the priestly class Brahman,
Whose very social position,
And Indo-Aryan tradition,
Was threatened,
By Buddhist philosophy and religion,
Out of this university,
Came not only religion, theosophy, and astrology,
But also grammarians, mathematicians, and astronomy,
Men of medicine, and philosophy,
It is said that when Buddha,
Was ill, a physician,
Was sent to him,
From the university at Taxila,
The best known text on Indian surgery,
Dates to the early,
Era of Christianity,
It was written by Sushruta,
While Charak, the physician,
To the Buddhist King Kaniska,
Wrote the text on medicine,
Is the legendary,
Founder of medicine,
Of the Indian,
Then there’s the Chinese legend,
Of a surgeon,
Named Huatuo,
A name that in China is uncommon,
It tells of his surgical extraction,
And repair of diseased human organs,
Using an anesthetic—possibly opium,
Some suspect Huatuo may be,
Derived from the,
Sanskrit word for medicine,
A technique practiced not by the Chinese,
But by the Indian,
One Aryan mummy,
With signs of surgery,
Sown up with sutures of horsehair,
After all those years,
Preserved in the desert there,
Foreign ideas,
Foreign “meme”-ories,
Open surgeries,
To treat infirmities,
Those ideas,
Were heresies,
To the Chinese,
And to their non-intrusive medical philosophies,
Villages for specialty crafts,
Run and maintained by lower castes,
Their products now traded by the mercantile Aryan,
For millennia the priest sat with the king,
Lusting for the power it would bring,
The Brahman religious caste,
And Kshatria warrior caste,
May have deigned to look down on trade and commerce,
Yet the caste hierarchy still advantaged their families to profit first,
But it must have been a relief to the lower caste,
To work in a specialty craft village,
Away from the upper caste demanding another arrogant privilege,
Though they reap the profits as in the past,
The Jatakas,
Are stories,
About the incarnation of Buddha,
I guess,
If reincarnation is the hypothesis,
It really pays to have good karma,
Or what you do in this life may in the next come back to harm you,
And it’s what any good farmer would know,
You come back later,
To reap what you earlier
Did sow,
The Jatakas,
Deal with the merger,
As it was after many centuries,
Of Dravidian and Indo-Aryan,
The pre-Buddha Hindu Bhagavad Gita says,
'All paths lead to me'
Buddha seems to agree,
All paths lead to Nirvana, ecstasy, enlightenment, gain,
But don’t be too surprised to find that some paths more than others are fraught with pain,
'What goes round
Comes round,’
And must be repeated again,
And again,
Around the time of Buddha,
Who suggested that his followers,
Plant a tree,
Plato describes the change of Attica,
From the time of Greek settling to about 425 BC,
What now remains of the once rich land,
Is like the skeleton of a sick man,
Formerly many of the present mountains were arable hills,
The present marshes were plains full of rich soil,
Hills were once covered by forests,
The land was enriched by yearly rains,
Which was not lost, as now,
By flowing from the bare land into the sea,
We know little of the first Indus Valley civilization,
Probably linguistically Dravidian,
Whose ancestors were old enough to trade with the Sumerian,
Nor the ancestors of the invading Aryan,
Originally a darker complected,
Northerly migrating,
Grain-growing agrarian,
Who had now become a white, horse-riding,
Cattle-herding, semi-nomadic barbarian,
But possibly an advantage,
Under the situation,
As much of the land,
Of the Indus and Pakistan,
Had been,
Exhausted by past cultivation,
Erosion and siltation,
The system of irrigation,
And could not support its previous population,
This is probably what did in,
The ancient Indus Valley Dravidian,
More than the approximately 2000 BC invasion,
Of the Indo-Aryan,
One of the oldest female mummies,
Discovered by the Chinese,
She is apparently Indo-Aryan,
Maybe her language was Torcharian,
About 4,000 years old and found,
At Loulan,
On the shores of the now dried up Lake Lop Nor,
Dressed in wool with boots of leather,
Near basket with grains of wheat,
Some say that while Alexander the Great,
Spread Greek influence throughout Eurasia,
He depleted Greece of both its,
Military and intelligencia,
Leaving Greece with a case,
Of cultural amnesia,
But as Plato pointed out before,
To get to what really ailed Greece,
You didn’t have to go that far,
No society can support military
Or mental toil,
Without nutrients and plants,
Provided by the soil,
Within a century of Plato’s,
Greek soil eulogy,
Alexander marches to victory,
At least in Western history,
His Greeks take Egypt and Iran,
Then Afghanistan,
And Northwest India or Pakistan,
India’s northwest,
Where so many invaders historically clashed,
And controlled,
The old,
City of Taxila,
Center of learning for Indian,
Intellectual elites,
Brahman priests,
And now also the teachings,
Of Buddha,
The invasion,
Of northwestern,
By Alexander the Great,
Began with the conquest by his Macedonian father of the Greek city states,
Replacing their inter-warring city-state anarchy,
With a militarized monarchy,
Against the opinion of his teacher,
And Greeks who saw themselves as a superior race,
Married the daughter of the,
Defeated Persian king Darius,
As well as the Asian daughter,
Of a chief who was Bactrian,
Near the borders of Iran and Afghanistan,
Adopting new gods as they rolled,
Into the Greek pantheon,
And foreign goddesses were also brought along,
So the all-male Greek gods would not be alone,
The goddess,
Athena, according to the Greeks,
Sprouted full grown out of the head of Zeus,
And it is through him, no doubt, she speaks,
The goddess,
Who bestows olives,
To Athens,
And is also allied to Ares,
That Greek god of wars,
Zeus’ intellectual masturbation,
His immaculate conception,
Or misconception,
That vicious god of the Indo-Iranian,
Of Persia or Iran,
A sign of alpha-male cultural domination,
And further mutating this Greek religion,
Alexander declared himself a god in what would later become,
A Roman tradition,
When Alexander died and his short time was done,
The Greek power strugglers murdered his Eurasian wife and son,
The news came to India in 323 BC that he was gone,
That Alexander the Great had died in Babylon,
The ephemeral Greek empire was now divided,
But Indian city-feudal states in order to repel them had united,
By the efforts of Chandragupta Maurya,
And his friend, minister, and counselor, 
Brahman Chanakya,
Of the priestly class,
Both upper caste,
Exiles from the powerful Nanda Kingdom of Magadha,
They drove the Greek garrison from Taxila,
The appeal to nationalism brought allies to Chandragupta,
And he marched with them across north India to Pataliputra,
Where he formed the empire known as Maurya,
The Greek General, Seleucus,
Trying to re-establish,
His hold on India’s northwest,
With his army crossed the Indus,
But he was defeated again,
And had to cede to India part of Afghanistan,
As a bonus in marriage Chandragupta also wins the Greek general’s daughter’s hand,
Yet the Maurya empire,
Will maintain relations with the Greek Seleucids of Babylon and the Ptolomys of Egypt,
Who still controlled the route to Europe over which Indian goods were shipped,
The Maurya king’s advisor,
The Brahman Chanakya,
Authored the ‘Arthashastra’,
Whose English translation is the 'Science of Polity',
And left him with the dubious title of India’s Machiavelli,
And calculating he might have been,
To protect this new empire Indian,
To serve and council his king and friend,
Yet simple and austere in his personal life,
Above the daily strife,
Free of the pomp and pageantry of his position,
That led to Buddha’s popularity and left his priestly Brahman class
      in derision,
He often wished to retire Brahman, or Buddha-like, to a life of contemplation,
He would do what he must,
To achieve his purpose,
He was unscrupulous,
And if the means,
Did not suit his ends,
He wasn’t too proud to bluff,
Long before Clausewitz,
He stated war was just a continuance,
Of state policy by other means,
But not wise if it tears the state waging it apart at the seams,
If its statesmanship is corrupt,
The state’s moral authority is bankrupt,
Better to win over an enemy,
Than destroy yourself out of envy,
‘The ignorant rely on Providence,’
He is purported to say,
‘They look to the stars for help
Instead of relying on themselves,’
Certainly not his way,
Around 273 BC Ashoka,
Grandson of Chandragupta,
Ascends to the kingship of the empire Maurya,
Whose capital was still Pataliputra,
He had previously served as Viceroy of Taxila,
Which was also a center for the teachings of Buddha,
The empire extended over much of the subcontinent of India,
The land of the Dravidia,
All the way north into central Asia,
Which is now part of China,
So he undertook to unite all of India,
By invading the east coast kingdom of Kalinga,
But there much blood was shed,
Many taken into captivity many dead,
‘Unique among the victorious monarchs and captains of history,
He decided to abandon warfare in the full tide of victory,’
Kalinga had fallen and the southern tip of India was his for the taking,
Then in the name of Buddha he renounced his war making,
‘Directly after the annexation of the Kalingas began his Sacred Majesty’s,
Zealous protection of the law of Piety ....,
Even upon the forest folk in his dominions His Sacred Majesty,
Looks kindly,’
Thus spoke Ashoka trying to improve his Karma,
A King of privilege but also Dharma,
His ambassadors went to Syria, Egypt, Macedonia, Cyrene and Epirus,
Conveying his greeting and Buddha’s message,
Of the myriad monarchs buried in history,
With their titles of Graciousness,
His Highness and Royal Majesty,
Ashoka stands alone a star,
In praise of the Buddha denouncing war,
From the Volga to Japan they still honor his name,
More than have ever heard of Alexander, Constantine or Charlemagne,
‘At all times and at all places /
Whether I am dining or in the
Ladies apartments /
In my bedroom or in my closet /
In my carriage or in my palace
gardens /
The official reporters should
Keep me informed of the people’s
business /
At any hour and at any place /
Work I must for the common weal,’
(Quote from King Ashoka)
After 41 years as Indian king,
Ashoka died in 232 BC,
The Maurya empire making way for the smaller Sungya dynasty,
While in the south new states were rising,
In the north there were still Indo-Greeks known as Bactrian,
Still invading northern land of the Indian Indo-Aryan,
Some of these were Greek Bactrian,
Having become so Indian,
That both Hinduism,
And Buddhism,
Had become their religion,
The Indo-Greek King Menanader invaded from Afghanistan,
But he was beaten back again,
King Menander,
Also known as King Milinda,
Surrendering to the lure of India,
Himself converted to Buddha,
Inspiring the Graeco-Buddhist art of Gandara,
In Afghanistan and its Indian border,
And in the first century BC,
In central India at Besnagar near Sanchi,
Was erected the Heliodorus column to the Indian god Vishnu,
By the Greek ambassador who had himself become Hindu,
And upon Heliodorus’ column its writ,
In pre-Latin, Indo-Aryan Sanskrit:
‘Three immortal  precepts when prac-
ticed well, lead to Heaven-self-
restraint, self-sacrifice (charity),
Still other invaders continued to invade,
Some being repelled others infiltrating the upper ranks of the old caste
      System charade,
Another usurper in this cuckoo bird masquerade,
The Rajput Kshatria clans date to a second century BC invasion,
Of a tribe called Shaka who are also known as Scythians,
Turkic or Indo-Aryan?
Do the mummies with the long felt hats pertain to them?
Those hats,
Looking like the witch’s hat of the Europeans?
Whose very name,
Conjures up an ancient artifact for harvesting grain,
And if you explore our collective unconsciousness a little deeper,
The scythe is also carried by the Grim Reaper,
The Shakas become converts to Buddhism,
And Hinduism too,
Then their reign is disrupted by the Asiatic Kushans who enter this
      Northern Indian milieu,
The Kushan King Kanishka becomes a Buddhist legend,
Although he mixed his Buddhist religion,
With the Persian Zoroastrian,
The Kushans, though Indianized,
Become as Asian foreigners despised,
Again nationalist sentiments are organized,
Coincidentally led by another,
But his new empire is not named Maurya,
But Gupta,
Beginning in 320 AD,
Bringing back India’s old Vedic pre-Buddhist identity,
Buddhism born and flowered in an outgoing, culturally positive Indian time,
And still flowering in East Asia but in its birthplace in decline,
Although while Buddhism in India held sway,
Controversy was generated anyway,
By division into two sects,
Mahayana and Hinayana both competing for respects,
In the brief reign of Buddhism over Hindu philosophy,
In India,
Mahayana Buddhism held sway,
And was introduced to China that way,
While Ceylon and Burma adopted Hinayana,
And with it,
Also spread to colonies in Indochina,
And to Java in Indonesia,
In the seventh century AD,
There were Sanskrit recitals in Cambodia,
Sanskrit is still used for ceremonial purposes in Thailand,
Which in olden days was called Siam,
And even in the time of Buddha,
Indian Ships capable of carrying hundreds of passengers sailed as far as China,
So it’s a cultural mystery even yet,
Why did China accept,
The Buddha,
But not adopt,
The more practical writing of Sanskrit?
Sometime after 200 AD,
Chinese Buddhist priests initiated missionary work in Japan,
Yet there was little direct influence that was Indian,
Only in 738 AD did Indian priests visit from Indo-China or An-am,
Bodhisena arrived with this party,
From the Hindu-China country of Rin’yû,
And is said to have brought with him,
The music called Rin’yû-gaku,
In any event,
The Japanese interest in Buddhism,
Eventually leads to an interest in,
The Hindu writing Sanskrit,
Which in turn influences it,
The Japanese language’s 50 syllabic,
Vowel sounds of a, i, u, e, o,
Imitate Sanskrit,
And thus, even the English or Spanish a, e, i, o, u,
At the Indian caves of Ajanta,
Built during the era,
Of the empire of the Gupta,
Between 400 and 600 AD,
We still see,
Reverence for the Buddha,
And though the Buddha advises caution,
Regarding women,
Perhaps influenced by India’s male-dominated caste system,
The Buddhist priests and monks can’t help but dedicate,
Much of their art to the female in her more sensual state,
A few moments of felicity,
An illusory pseudo-ecstasy,
Another karmic repetition of reproductive misery,
By not sowing, you do not reap,
Not trying to hold on to what you can’t keep,
Angkor Watt,
Is in what,
Was once called Cambodia,
In Indo-China,
Now Kampuchea,
In southeast Asia,
By 1200 AD,
Angkor Watt will be,
Mixing Hindu-Aryan religious symbology,
With Buddhist philosophy,
And southeast Asian agronomy,
Although the genes of the Hindu-Aryans,
Do not flow,
To any significant,
Through the veins,
Of Angkor Watt’s population,
Within Angkor Watt’s borders,
Imported Hindu-Aryan cultural memes carry out their orders,
Because what did flow,
And although,
In ruins,
Are still there to show,
Are the transfer of cultural memes,
That is,
And the cultural artifacts they bring,
In Angkor Watt,
Where Khmer kings,
Themselves with Hindu-Aryan gods,
To give their city-state’s,
An identity,
Hoping to survive poltically,
Against all odds,
In Angkor Watt,
One work of art,
The churning,
Of a milky sea,
Until its buttery,
Is Indian,
Rather than southeast Asian,
This symbology,
Representing Hindu-Aryan cosmology,
Was a legacy,
Of the Hindu-Aryan’s,
Ancient Indian,
Or proto-European,
Cattle-herding history,
In Angkor Watt,
Beautifully carved female divas,
Mix with statues,
Of Buddha,
And the pre-Buddhist gods,
Of the Vedas,
And Shiva,
Brought to Indo-China
By India’s colonizing,
Indo-Aryan Hindus,
A lingering,
History of an ancient migration,
And colonization,
Of Indo-China,
By the Indo-Aryan,
Or northern Indian,
An invasion,
Not by horses and chariots,
But this time by giant sailing ships,
This colonization of Indo-China,
And Indonesia,
By the Hindu-Arya,
Occurred between 500 BC,
And the first centuries AD,
Angkor Watt,
With its influence Hindu-Aryan,
While at the same time,
Indigenous soil and stone,
To construct an indigenous,
Culture of their own,
Their own idiosynchracies,
Cultural relativities,
To China,
And India,
Southeast Asia provides,
The gift of rice,
The most important bio-cultural artifact required,
To build their ephemeral paradise,
More stable than,
The cultivation of corn,
Or other grains that one,
Might in the tropics farm,
Water received by rice paddies,
Through irrigation,
Supplement the soil,
Which is thin and tropical,
Providing additional,
Otherwise unavailable,
Nutrients for fertilization,
About the same time,
In the 13th century AD,
Northern India and Ceylon,
Will be in decline,
Not only more invasions,
But again soil relations,
Will push the Indo-Aryan culture,
Of Hinduism,
And Buddhism,
Into schism,
In its Indian,
Ceylon’s sophisticated system of irrigation,
Under the pressure of increased population,
Brick-making deforestation,
Will turn a former island,
Of Indian colonial migration,
Into misery and stagnation,
Muslim merchants now control the spice trade,
Upon which Indian wealth and European debt had been made,
Angkor Watt will be soon,
To join them,
Due not to agriculture,
So much as to invaders,
From Thailand,
Who themselves are being driven,
By the brief invasion,
Of the horse-riding Mongolian,
Coming all the way from,
Northern China,
Which they now controlled,
Since their invasion,
From Mongolia,
The Thais will lay waste,
To Angkor Watt,
Rape and take,
Their real-life dancing divas,
To Thailand,
To perform for them,
Nation against nation,
Thailand also has a history,
A cultural memory,
Of a centuries-old emigration,
A colonization,
By the Indo-Aryan,
And the bringing of,
From India or Ceylon,
To their region,
Was southeast Asia,
Or Indo-China,
The cradle,
Of original,
Some claim,
That agriculture had a southeast Asian,
Rather than,
A Middle Eastern,
Or African,
That it was tropical Asian,
Rather than,
Or North African,
Possibly before the end of the last Ice Age,
Long before grain and bean agriculture became,
The Old World rage,
Southeast Asian,
Fishing and forest communities,
Began a selection,
Of useful plants that could,
Be spread,
Through vegetative reproduction,
Rather than seed planting,
Tropical southeast Asia,
Is in many ways,
Like tropical South America,
A similar environment,
A similar climate,
A similar development,
And later planting,
Of starchy crops,
Such as South American manioc,
And in south Asia,
Starchy taro and other crops,
Not dependent upon,
Seed selection,
Long before the cultivation of corn,
During the last Ice Age,
When there was a land bridge,
Between Asia and Alaska,
The indigenous American Mongolian,
With their millennial history,
Of American ancestry,
Remained a coastal fisher,
Or inland hunter,
And gatherer,
Then combining,
This occupation,
With the cultivation,
Of additional starch-rich plants,
Probably the first plant food production,
Was from plants reproduced
By non-seed vegetative reproduction,
As with the southeast Asian,
Requires supplementing,
This starchy vegetation,
With wild game hunting,
For all of their protein,
Or perhaps supplementing,
This starchy,
Caloric nutrition,
With dogs or other animals,
Suitable for domestication,
In the extreme reverting to cannabalism,
The pre-Hispanic Huancas,
Of South America,
Who became vassals of the Incas,
Had a cult of the dog,
In their temples,
It is said that they had,
Such a passion for dog meat,
They would do anything to obtain it,
This passion led to a worship,
There was no feast more important,
Than a dog banquet,
An infatuation,
That would be shared across the ocean,
By the southeast Asian,
The Meso-American Mayan,
May have used the leaf protein,
Of the tree we call Ramon,
At least in times,
Of overall food decline,
When years were lean,
This unique innovation,
The extraction of protein,
From leaf vegetation,
Was the tradition,
Of the South American,
Andes populations,
Who did so with the coca plant,
That produces the alkaloid cocaine,
But also protein,
And vitamins,
Perhaps our culture should be so sane,
Do the same,
According to a report of the U.S.D.A.,
The coca plant is,
One of the most nutritious,
Plants grown in Latin America,
Ranking higher than,
Average in,
Calories, fiber,
Carbohydrates and protein,
In calcium phosporus,
Vitamin A and riboflavin,
This most nutritious vegetation,
And while Coca-Cola no longer adds the cocaine alkaloid,
To its product,
They still use the coca leaf’s essential oils and flavanoids,
To make their syrup,
The North American Indian,
Ate the seeds of oak or pine,
Then again,
A fascination with seeds,
Because of their edibility,
Being highly nutritious,
And proteinaceous,
In comparison to plants,
That are just,
Or starchy crops,
May have led to a familiarity,
With their reproductive properties,
In some regions,
About the same time,
Or maybe before,
Vegetative reproduction,
From cuttings,
Familiarity with seeds,
May have,
Led to the planting,
And spreading,
Of squash, pumpkin,
Gourd and legume,
Cotton, rice or corn,
By the south Asian,
And their Mongoloid,
Or Mongolian-like,
The American Indian,
And developing,
Separately and independently,
In their respective homelands,
As typified by their different grain,
Rice in Asia,
Corn in América,
Whether it be the American Indian,
Who is of Asian,
Whose ancestors,
Crossed the Bering,
Only later becoming agrarian,
Or the southeast Asian,
Or Mesopotamian,
Or Egyptian,
Or pre-aryan Indian,
Or the Chinese agrarian,
The real agricultural revolution will come,
With domestication of a grain,
Amaranth or corn,
In the case of the American Mongolian,
Or Indian,
In the case,
Of the south Asian Mongolian,
And selection of legumes,
To produce their beans,
To combine,
For complete vegetable protein,
The innovation,
That completes the agrarian,
Every advanced agrarian,
Combined a bean,
And a grain,
Of some kind or another,
Rather than simply consuming,
Starchy plant fare,
A true agrarian,
Requires the genetic selection,
Of seeds from improved beans and grains,
To speed improved genetic variations,
To increase crop production,
And thus the population,
Of the agrarian,
Contrary to the idea,
That creative,
Innovative ability,
Is stimulated in higher,
And stifled in the tropics,
The American Mongolian,
All the way south from,
Northern Asia,
And Alaska,
Didn’t create an agrarian,
Until reaching,
Tropical Meso-America,
It was there in central and southern Mexico,
They found a plethora,
Of wild plants,
Whose traits,
Would be given direction,
By seed selection,
It is believed,
That until about 7,000 BC,
The migrating,
American Mongolian,
That we call Indian,
Depended upon,
Large game hunting,
Then changing conditions,
Leading to a human lifestyle change,
Hunting of small game and more plant foraging,
Around 7,000 BC,
We find,
From archealogical excavations,
Of caves in the semi-arid highlands,
The oldest documented use of wild corn,
Which comes from,
Dry refuse accumulations,
Left by cave dwelling men,
And women,
Who lived in the arid  valley of Tehuacan,
Also around then,
Development of the bean,
And the pumpkin,
Even gourds and cotton,
By 3,400 BC,
There will be,
Zapotes and chiles,
The tepary bean and squashes,
Yet the corn of the time,
Is probably still wild,
By 1,500 BC the corn is a hybrid,
Crossed with wild or domesticated,
Sometimes crossing the corn domesticant,
With teonsite,
A wild distant relative to it,
Corn is now dependent,
Humans for its cultivation,
A growing selection,
Of cultigens,
Perhaps around a hundred,
By then,
In the various bio-regions of Meso-America,
Even fruits from trees,
And in the lowland tropics,
Vanilla and chocolate,
Of fossil corn pollen,
Below the ground,
In the Valley of Mexico,
Wild corn thrived there,
80,000 years ago,
although now long extinct,
in that habitat,
it is the antecedent,
of the domesticated corn plant,
proving it was existent,
native to the North American,
long before the indigenous,
American Indian,
Came to inhabit it,
And root crops or not,
The true agrarian art,
Comes with seeds,
To produce grains and beans,
And in Mexico it probably began,
In the highlands,
Then extended down,
To the lowlands,
And led to such lowland,
As the Olmec and the Mayans,
Even if the lowlands,
Produced the useful starch plants,
They would not produce a truly agrarian,
Whether on the North American,
Or South American,
The Eurasian or African,
Only bean and grain,
Would and did do that,
After centuries or millennium,
Of seed selection,
And crossing,
A god of corn,
Is born,
In the minds of its creators,
Bow to Yum Kax,
The Maya’s,
God of maize,
A god probably conceived,
By other tribes,
Before them,
Who passed on,
The tradition,
Of corn cultivation,
To them,
Before the Mayas,
Perhaps this god,
Was a goddess,
Original agriculture
Was an invention,
Of a woman or a man,
Or the collective contribution
Of both of them,
Is still a case of speculation,
And again,
Not so black,
Or white,
Was woman inventor of the hoe?
Or just a slave to man?
We don't know,
Probably somewhere in between,
The Inca of South America,
Who speak a language called Quechwa,
Left the honor,
Of agriculture,
To the male,
For others,
Honoring their mothers,
Or significant others,
Agriculture is a goddess,
But the more important question is,
Who hoes and who harvests?
The pre-historic
And early historic,
All worshipped many,
Which will be males,
And which will be females,
Is just another case of
Cultural relativities,
The people developed,
A technique,
Over time,
Of soaking the corn,
In water mixed with ash or lime,
Which we only know in modern times,
Frees the amino acid lysine,
For human digestion,
To make a more complete protein,
An alkalai technique,
Perhaps first practiced by the people,
Chewing coca,
In South América,
And still traditionally practiced,
By indigenous corn growers everywhere,
From North to South América,
Or alkaline,
Processing of corn,
May have been born,
From a South American,
Coca processing tradition,
Was this innovation,
Introduced to the Mexican,
At or about the same time,
South América received the Meso-American,
Gift of corn?
To this day the Perupechua,
Or Tarascan Indians,
Of Mexico’s state of Michoacan,
Speak a language that linguists claim,
Is partly South American in origen,
The Perupechua or Tarascans,
The only Meso-Americans,
With weapons,
Of bronze,
Aiding in keeping,
The Aztecs from attacking,
In swarms,
With their stone-age arms,
The Perupechua language,
A mix,
Of the South American,
Language called Quechua,
And Zuni,
A language that was spoken,
As far north as the southwestern,
State of modern Arizona,
And perhaps even another,
This simple tradition,
Of cooking,
With ash or lime,
Was another agrarian revolution,
Freeing the land,
Needing to grow less corn per person,
By producing more protein,
Particularly more of the amino acid lysine,
From the same,
Quantity of corn,
For the south Asian,
The seed selection,
Of tropical beans,
And rice that ancient grain,
To make complete protein,
Bean and grain,
The universal staples,
Of all agrarian peoples,
Although some,
Consider the origen,
Of rice cultivation,
To be of Chinese,
Or pre-aryan Indian,
Perhaps Dravidian,
Others say,
The first rice planting,
Was in Thailand,
About 8 thousand years,
From the present era,
In Thailand,
The cultivation,
Of legumes,
That provide civilization's beans,
Is given an estimation,
For their first planting,
Of nine millennium,
Before our present one,
An estimation for the origen of vegetable production,
Is put at 12 millennium,
From present,
In Thailand,
Which is at least 2 millennium earlier than that,
Of Mesopotamian,
Or Chinese vegetable cultivation,
Some even claim,
The southeast Asian,
May even,
Have crossed the Pacific Ocean,
Although the majority of the indigenous American population,.
Like the northeast and southeast Asian,
Are of Mongolian,
Or Mongoloid origen,
Their route of immigration,
Is still accepted to be,
The Asian-Alaskan,
Bering Straight crossing,
From south Asia,
Possibly went,
Rice, bananas, persimmons, and yams,
To China,
Dogs, fowl, bananas and taros to Africa,
Dogs to Australia,
And pigs to New Guinea,
Pigs, fowl and breadfruit to Polynesia,
As unlikely as a south Pacific,
Contact might seem,
With only chancy,
Oceanic currents and wind-blown pathways,
Consider the spread of corn,
From North America,
To South America,
Across Meso-America’s dense tropical green,
Or the blue ocean,
Just consider the ingenious navigation,
Of Polynesian seamen,
Sailing and colonizing,
All the Polynesian Islands,
Even the Easter Islands,
Off the coast of South America,
The Polynesians,
Once probably mainland Asians,
Although not Mongolians,
And even inhabiting,
The Easter Islands,
Near the shores,
Of the South American Indian,
The American Indian,
Or Mongolian,
Whose ancestors had migrated,
All the way from the northeast Asian region,
And Alaska's Ice Age Bering crossing,
The American Indian,
Are distant kin,
Although separated by millennium,
Of an American,
And earlier northern Asian,
Ice Age migration,
Of those same Mongolian-like,
Or Mongoloid,
Humans who may have driven them,
The Polynesians,
From their ancient,
Southeast Asian,
And perhaps later blocked their entrance,
And inhabitance,
Of the South American,
Off the coast on the Easter Islands,
Consuming too rapidly,
Of the islands’ ecology,
Overpopulation and island resources expended on,
Stone-headed religious hypocracy,
And no doubt with it a self-righteous aristocracy,
Leading to collapse of a marginalized,
Overly extravagent,
Religiously fanatic,
Island society,
What may have worked for them,
For some time,
On the mainland,
Collapses fast on an island,
Resources spread too thin,
Other mid-oceanic,
Polynesian Pacific,
Will thrive,
Breadfruit trees,
And fishing to stay alive,
Not devoting limited resources,
To religious extravagences,
Although both sides of the Pacific Ocean,
Cultivated gourds or cotton,
This is only an indication,
Of human adaptation,
To similar bio-regions,
Independent selection,
Of similar cultigens,
To utilize for similar functions,
But just try to explain,
That cocaine,
Inside mummies of Egyptians!
Much is open to speculation,
Yet just as telling,
About the dearth of south Asian,
And southern American,
And agricultural,
Across the south Pacific Ocean,
Is their separate and distinct cultivation,
Of grains,
Asian rice and American corn,
That in pre-Colombian times,
Never crossed the Pacific Ocean,
Long before Angkor Watt,
With its Hindu-Aryan,
Which in the history,
Of Southeast Asia,
Appeared rather late,
May have been,
Not only a center of bean,
And grain,
But even,
Of technological,
A metalurgical,
A tall 5,600 year old skeleton of a man,
From Ban Chiang,
In northern Thailand,
Buried with a spear,
His hand,
The spearhead is of bronze fabrication,
Its wooden,
Long since gone,
It is 600 years older than bronze artifacts,
From any other region,
Including the bronze,
Of Chinese or Indian,
Egyptian or Mesopotamian,
At a 1,600 BC archaeological excavation,
Also at Ban Chiang,
In Thailand,
Iron objects are found,
As old as iron artifacts,
Manufactured by the Hittites,
Those Indo-Aryans,
Who invaded the Middle Eastern,
And Egyptian,
With their horse-drawn chariots,
And iron weapons,
Agricultural evidence,
Is numerous,
Down to the lowest levels of excavation,
Rice husks are found in fired ceramics,
That were used to prevent shrinkage and cracks,
Showing rice kernal imprints,
On the surfaces of pots,
An indication,
That this grain,
Had been domestically grown,
The earliest known pottery,
Dates approximately,
To 7,000 BC,
Two thousand years older than,
The Jomon pottery produced in Japan,
Which may be the earliest pottery known,
But the earliest pottery of Ban Chiang,
Of Thailand,
Already demonstrates a quality of design,
That indicates the artisans,
Had been making their pottery,
For some time,
From the earliest black pots,
Incised with geometric patterns,
To middle period red-on-buff forms,
Which bear amazing resemblance,
To that produced only later,
By the Chinese, Egyptians,
And Mesopotamians,
The earliest inhabitants of the region,
Of Ban Chiang,
In northeast Thailand,
Inhabited Spirit Cave,
Around 10,000 BC,
They probably,
Used it as one of their hunting camps,
Rather than for permanent inhabitance,
They were a tall, muscular,
With surprising physical,
Heavy bones,
Wide faces,
Fairly pronounced brow ridges,
Not like the smoothly rounded,
Of the Mongolian,
Whose genotype-phenotype now dominates,
The entire east Asian mainland,
These earliest inhabitants appear,
More like the Polynesians,
Who now inhabit far-flung,
Pacific islands,
Probably having migrated there from,
This southeast Asian,
After abandoning,
Sites such as,
Ban Chiang,
While implements,
That will become,
Standards in the rice cultivation,
Of the southeast Asian,
Such as slate knives,
Used in its harvest,
At least as old as 5,500 BC,
Are found at Spirit Cave,
In Thailand,
From that time until 3,600 BC,
In terms of artifacts gathered,
By modern archaeology,
Ban Chiang appears to have been virtually,
And then,
Florescence again,
Of an agrarian,
On a scale that it never previously,
Had been,
In Ban Chiang,
The new people who replaced them,
Were probably more strictly agrarian,
Rather than hunting,
And gathering,
They probably spoke a language
That united them,
And with their agrarian lifestyle,
Probably overwhelmed,
The Polynesian,
Pressuring them to flee,
Across the sea,
The Mongoloid,
Or Mongolian-like Eastern Asian,
Is unique in the slant of the eyes,
An adaptation or not to an age of ice?
Appearing to have more carotene,
Providing a unique pigmentation,
To their complexion,
In addition to varying shades of melanin,
A relation to the distance,
From equator of their homeland,
Vitamin D in the diet or nutrition,
And time,
Some northern agrarian Asians,
Bearing a near white complexion,
Compared to the southern Asian,
Or even nomadic northern Mongolian,
But all maintaining,
A more constant level of melanin,
Causing their  hair and eyes black pigmentation,
Like Negroids,
And most Caucasoids,
With the exception of those post-Ice Age agrarian Europoids,
All of them,
Named for the horse-riding Mongolian,
Whose expanding empire clashed,
And finally crashed,
At the borders,
Of the Christian,
This was about the same time,
Other members of these same nomadic Mongolian,
Were invading their fellow Mongoloid kinsmen,
The Chinese,
And even the Thais,
Who were agrarians,
To the south of them,
In the 13th century,
Before disappearing into history,
They must have left an impression,
Upon the minds of the European,
Who named all east Asians,
After them,
Meaning Mongolian-like,
As distinct,
From Negroid,
Or Caucasoid,
It was the "Europoid,"
That light-complected,
Northwestern  Eurasian,
Agrarian version,
Of the Caucasoid,
Who in the 19th century were so proud,
Of the newly invented industrialism,
And whose educated classes,
Considered themselves superior,
To the European,
Pioneered the creation,
Of this racial classification,
Anthropological system,
Although before science,
Distinct Eurasian civilizations,
Had been aware of their physiological variations,
For this same reason,
India's invading aryan,
Create the caste system,
To separate themselves from the Dravidian,
Who had previously created an Indus civilization,
That in many ways may have out-shone,
That created later by the aryan,
Then to call a form of mental retardation,
Even though the Asian Mongolian,
In truth has a slightly larger brain,
Per body weight,
Than the Caucasoid,
Although this does not necessarily increase intelligence,
It’s certainly an example of nature making an attempt,
Is dependent not only upon a quantity of energy,
But on the quality of its organization,
Within  the brain,
Like letters on a page,
Still one cannot build human brain organization,
With the same quantity of atoms,
Even in the brain of an orangutan,
Intelligence as we know it does,
Require a critical mass,
Of atoms and molecules,
Or cells,
After that overall brain organization rules,
And even genetic potential,
For outstanding intelligence,
Cannot always overcome,
Poor nutrition,
Or cultural malnutrition,
Cultural retardation,
The Mongolian Spot,
Like a smooth birthmark,
But not appearing at random,
Genetically-fixed in space,
At the base,
Of the spine,
An added concentration,
Of pigmentation,
With age and with time,
From the skin,
Of everyone,
Who is of Mongolian origin,
From Mongolia,
Or China,
Or Thailand,
It is also upon the skin,
Of the American Indian,
Marking them,
Verifying that their ancient origin,
Was also that of  the Mongolian,
The Ban Chiang agrarian economy,
Changes radically,
Sometime around the second millennia BC,
A change from dry land cultivation,
Of rice,
To wet cultivation in flooded paddies,
A little,
Like the model,
Of the less tropical,
Middle Eastern,
Whose original habitat is forest land,
Until they settle upon irrigation,
Of the Nile and Mesopotamia,
Or more like Meso-America’s,
Lowland Maya,
Who may have gone,
From slash and burn,
Corn cultivation,
To sophisticated,
Collective irrigation,
No doubt such an innovation,
Increased human population,
With this agrarian revival,
There is also,
An increase in the population,
Of domesticated water buffaloes,
Needed to pull the plows,
As well as pigs and fowl,
With a simultaneous decrease,
Of deer and other animals,
Which had depended upon,
The decreasing forest land,
For their survival,
So now,
Animal protein,
Will not come so much from hunting,
As from domestication,
Of water buffalo,
Pigs and fowl,
And possibly some cattle,
In the end there will be little left to show,
A transition from slash-and-burn,
To rice paddie irrigation,
Post holes where wooden houses once had been,
Evidence from the skeletons,
Of anemia,
And malaria,
Dental problems,
And high,
Infant mortality,
Adults dying,
At the average age of thirty,
The dead were entombed with ceremony,
And based upon social position,
A pecking order in the society,
Social hierarchy,
Though clearly pioneers in metallurgy,
Yet sure enough of their safety from neighbors,
And disenfranchised others,
Not to have applied this technology,
More likely to make bracelets,
Than armaments,
Although perhaps never developing cities,
On the scale of Mesopotamian,
And Nile river valleys,
Making the highest quality of bronze,
That it would take the Middle Eastern Caucasian,
3,000 years to learn,
This civilization,
In northeast Thailand,
Ban Chiang,
Whose religion,
May have been,
A fertility cult,
Based upon,
Snakes and phalluses,
That are common,
In their pottery design,
Around 250BC,
This northeastern area of Thailand,
Only until modern times,
Remained abandoned,
Not found in a grain diet to any degree,
But it can be,
Manufactured by sunlight reacting with the skin,
You make more if you’re lighter,
And have less skin pigment melanin,
Which served well the northern European,
Grain growing agrarian,
And to a lesser extent the northern agricultural Asian,
Who when compared to his southern cousins,
Also show signs of lesser melanin skin pigmentation,
But working in the tropical sun,
To get their rice harvest done,
Light skin would have little survival value to anyone,
Vitamin-D contributes to calcification,
And bone formation,
But too much and you have toxicity,
Or overdose of Vitamin-D,
Calcium hardening of the arteries,
Or calcium stones in the kidneys,
While darker skin,
With more melanin,
May be disadvantageous in,
Retaining body heat,
In preventing skin cancer or overdose of Vitamin-D,
It has light skin beat,
Vitamin-D is produced by sterols in the skin,
Reacting with ultra-violet solar radiation,
Not filtered out by the ozone layer’s protection,
Sterol, a form of alcohol,
A four ringed carbon molecule,
Most abundant in our bodies in the form of cholesterol,
But hundreds of variations of sterol,
Are natural,
And to all these sterol variants floating in the biological void,
We give the name steroid,
Including male and female hormones,
Vitamin-D is perhaps the only steroid or vitamin,
Requiring direct mediation of the sun,
Ultra-violet radiation,
Necessary for its formation,
We might see melanin,
As directing the movement of U.V. solar radiation,
The way a traffic cop directs transportation,
Preventing its collision,
With sterols or sensitive molecules of the skin,
Or maybe the analogy we look for,
Is more that of a shock absorber,
Using its pigmentation,
To absorb the potentially damaging U.V. radiation,
Light skin would have no survival value to anyone,
Living and working in the tropical sun,
Even in the subcontinent of the Indian,
Better mixed with the darker genes of the Dravidian,
Or Khmer Cambodian,
This environment favors more melanin,
And we conclude that lightness of skin,
Is a result of natural selection,
To the extent that dying,
Of rickets caused by,
Is natural,
The U.V. radiation,
Is directed,
By melanin,
But made less available,
To produce Vitamin-D from sterol,
The molecule,
In animal and human,
Responsible for hair, eye, or skin pigmentation,
Is derived from amino acids tyrosine or phenolalanine,
Otherwise building blocks of protein,
There are many variations,
Of plant or animal pigmentation,
Some dissoluble in water or in fat,
Melanin isn’t as easy to dissolve as that,
Of melanin pigmentation,
Or so goes an old chemist’s saying:
“Dissolve a horse,
And what’s left is melanin,” of course,
Completely lacking melanin,
Is a disease called albinism,
Causing eyes that are pink,
Rather than brown, green, or blue tint,
Hair that is white,
Rather than black, brown, red, or just light,
Melanin pigmentation is complex,
Perhaps more than two genes competing for dominance,
Of expression,
Mendelian genetics in question,
Consider England’s industrial moths,
Changing against normal genetic odds,
Only within the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
Within the lifetimes and right before the eyes,
Of one human generation,
A species variation,
The light moth dies,
In England a darker industrial moth multiplies,
The color of soot and smog,
An urban-industrial camouflage,
From birds,
Who otherwise,
Eat the lighter moths,
Before reproduction occurs,
As in fact they did,
Only the brown urban-industrial variety of moth lived,
And multiplied,
Because it could hide,
From the bird,
In our Late Classic Industrial era,
Similar to but different,
From the collapse of the Maya,
During their Late Classic Era,
In Mesoamerica,
But on a scale that is global,
Rather than just regional,
While burning more fossil fuel than ever,
Substituting coal,
For oil,
Has temporarily,
Polished the mirror,
Fossil carbon burned is “cleaner”,
Less carbon soot to linger,
The light moth returns to the industrial corridor,
Meanwhile fossil carbon and the biosphere burn even faster,
Complex organisms disappear,
Because of an unstable,
And technology,
Leading to environmental,
Species and ecological,
On a world scale,
While governments remain in denial,
Fossil carbon is burned,
And metal is turned,
For whom tolls the bell?
In this era we might call Late Classic Industrial?
Whether they be for the technologies,
Of our industrial mess,
Or for the building of a chimpanzee’s,
Are like some nongenetically hardwired birdsong,
If not learned in the next generation,
Then they are gone,
Changing our tune,
Or changing our behavior,
Maybe our only saviour,

The pineal gland,
Responsible for the production,
Of that sleep-related molecule,
Whose very manufacture or production,
The pineal,
Which is sometimes referred to as the third eye,
I wonder why?
Is dependent upon,
The daily cycles of the sun,
Or the circadian rhythm,
Which is one reason,
Why people living in a polar region,
May have trouble with their cycle of sleeping,
Lopsided solar cycles,
Throw off the internal synthesis,
Of melatonin molecules,
Which, like Vitamin-D,
Although less directly,
Is dependent upon,
Light cycles of the sun,
The solar information,
Is no doubt transferred from,
The eyes to the pineal,
Is given its name,
Because of the strange phenomenon,
That when,
After its extraction,
In minute amounts from the pineals of 200,000 cattle,
And was given,
As an injection,
It lightened,
The complexion,
Of a tadpole’s skin,
Not reproducible in man,
But just the same,
It gave melatonin its name,
Showing hormonal effects,
On melanocytes,
The cells responsible,
For melanin formation,
Turning dark tadpoles to whites,
A molecular structure,
Of the brain,
That can alter,
Melanin production,
Of another organism’s skin,
And biophysical,
And unifications,
Same molecular structure,
Different molecular functions,
Or vice versa,
Returning to those Shakas or Scythians again,
Who once had a large area between the Black Sea and the Caspian,
Named after them,
Across the Caucasus and to the north of Armenia,
Lay the land of Scythia,
Somewhat pastoral,
Somewhat agricultural,
The Greeks traded wine for grains with the Scythians,
After soil collapse of Greek grain-growing regions,
Around 520 BC the Persian King Darius,
Claimed his battle with ‘Saka of the pointed hats’ victorious,
Ancestors of the same Scythians or Shakas probably,
Who invaded northern India in the second century BC,
Pointed or conical hats found
on some of the Asian Aryan
One found in Kazahkstan/
Which borders on where
Scythian homeland had been/
Seems to match,
King Darius’ description of the pointed hats,
Worn by the Scythian,
A culture whose artifacts,
Still conjure up memories of barbarian attacks,
The scythe of the grim reaper and witches hats,
Did they put these symbols into European history?,
An enigma in a mystery,
Recalling a time when the Indo-Aryan,
Was a marauding barbarian,
When he was not busy being an agrarian,
Perhaps he has not changed much since then,
To the north of Scythia,
Running from East to West,
A field of grass,
From Europe to Mongolia,
The Aryans who first invaded Iran and India,
Used it in a previous history,
Long before Scythia was even a memory,
Before the Mongolians raged out of Mongolia,
And brought trade all the way from China,
By the time of the rise of Scythia,
Numerous tribes moved along these grassland steppes of Eurasia,
Stretching north of the Black Sea 3,000 miles to Mongolia,
Or the Great Wall of China,
And while most of these marauding steppe nomads were Turkish or Mongolian,
Many of these Chinese Aryan,
Mummies pre-date this later era of the Scythian,
And document that the first long-distance horsemen,
Of the steppes were Indo-Aryan,
As do the bit-worn teeth of tamed horse skeletons of the Ukraine,
As well as 4,000 year-old antler riding bits found on its plains,
And with this probably the transition,
From an agrarian lifestyle to a pastoral tradition,
Just as the Celts or other Indo-Aryan speakers to the west,
Soon enough to be uprooted by the Germanic speaking Indo-Aryan,
Another usurping agrarian,
Were also previously agriculturalists,
Who made the transition to pastoralists,
But maintained their grain growing tradition,
That had probably been,
For the Indo-Aryan,
The collective and original cause of their Vitamin-D malnutrition,
That plus their ancestors history of northern migration,
That gave them their pale complexion,
The European situation,
Agricultural and pastoral,
Going hand in hand,
Close by or on the same land,
A new agricultural plan,
Perhaps concentrating manure nutrients of the animal,
To fertilize the grain-growing agricultural,
Making the agricultural a little more stable,
On the former European forest topsoil,
As opposed to Nile or Mespotamian soil,
Fertilized in part from irrigation alluvial,
With consequent dangers to the Indus or Mesopotamian,
Of increased siltation,
Of their system of irrigation,
But just as in the paddy water,
Of South Asian rice agri-agua-culture
Irrigation water subsidizes fertilizer,
Cattle or Bos taurus,
Are thought,
To be descended from the larger wild auroch,
Now all extinct,
But it’s still known as the species,
Bos primogeneous,
Domestic cattle now have been shown,
To have an auroch origin,
That’s more diverse,
Than was previously known,
Their domestication,
Was not necessarily,
Confined to Turkey,
But more dispersed,
Than was thought at first,
Aurochs inhabited,
Forest regions,
With a population distribution,
Throughout Europe, Southwestern Asia,
And Northern Africa,
However domestication,
Only dates a few millenium,
The genetic stock they came from,
Was originally,
Separated regionally,
And genetically,
And over space and time,
And with genetic rift,
Comes genetic drift,
For over half a million years apart,
Before man,
United them,
With his husbanding and animal breeding art,
Recent research on cattle genetics,
That it was not just in Turkey or the Mesopotamian region,
That domesticated cattle came from,
There was more than one origin,
For modern,
Cattle domestication,
An indication,
Of independent evolution,
Of the human,
Idea or meme,
Or its dispersion,
To other regions,
Where the idea was applied to domestication,
Of another strain,
Of wild aurochs with different genes,
Different regions,
Different species variations,
With domestication over time,
There was a decline,
In height,
And weight,
From millenium,
To millenium,
Among changing characteristics,
There was a decline in,
Genetic change,
Of both bodies and brains,
Subtle genetic selection,
With increased domestication,
For behavioral submission,
Resulting in decreased production,
Of adrenal steroid and possibly effects on neurotransmitters,
Not only physical characteristics,
But also behaviors,
Millennia ago B.C.,
Mesopotamian cattle called uru,
May have been domesticated to replace the wild arni buffalo,
Possibly because,
Of their having horns shaped,
Like the lunar crescent,
They were sacrificed,
To the lunar goddess,
They become extinct,
Just as the last auroch would,
In European Poland,
In 1627,
Losing the competition,
With the crops and domesticated cattle of the European,
Which left the wild animal,

 There exists little information to answer the question,
Of the evolution of cattle domestication,
Whether by farmers or nomads most authorities agree,
That it was probably,
First accomplished by the,
Western Asian Caucasian,
Middle Eastern Mesopotamian,
Or perhaps the Turkish Anatolian,
Cave paintings also document,
A non-horse aided pastoralism,
Of the North African,
Some say it was done,
For reasons of practicality,
Others for reasons of religion,
But probably,
In the end,
It was a practical decision,
For both nomad and agrarian,
The invention of the use of the cattle,
The first draft animals,
To pull the plow,
“Was something like the invention,
Of the combustion engine,”
Says zooarchaeologist Caroline Grigson,
Of London’s,
Royal College of Surgeons,
Probably domesticated,
Later than pigs, goats, and sheep,
But for farmers and nomads alike,
It was surely a great leap,
The word “arar”,
In that Indo-Aryan language,
Called Spanish,
With its smattering of Arabic Moorish,
Means “to till” or “to plow” in English,
But it is derived from the root word “arya”,
From that ancient,
Indian language,
Called Sanskrit,
And means “tiller of the soil”,
Perhaps the closest to this in English is “harrow,”
A more obscure,
Nowadays lesser-used term for till or plough,
Perhaps both English and German,
Have drifted further from,
The original Indo-Aryan,
Or proto-aryan,
Language than Greek,
Slavic or Lithuanian,
The Indo-Aryan rooted Spanish word,
Meaning a drover of cattle,
Shows the significance of linguistic drift,
Of definition,
Or interpretation,
As the word for agrarian,
Is modified to be a term,
For pastoralism,
As lifestyles change,
Later in India it came to mean “noble”,
A title,
Like the English word “aristocrat”,
Long before the horse had become a big deal,
Mesopotamians had attached their cattle to the wheel,
This is illustrated by Mesopotamian,
Five thousand BC astrological symbolism,
Where Taurus, “the bull,” of the astronomic constellation,
Is symbolized by a bull attached to a wagon,
It is here that archeological remains are found,
Of wagon, yoke and plow buried beneath this ancient ground,
So perhaps later attaching horse to cart,
Was not an idea so original or smart,
Cattle had long been used to develop the art,
And thus the chariot was not that far apart,
From that ancient cattle and wheel pulling cart,
Much more ancient than the horse-drawn chariot,
But clearly in this historical course,
And history documents it well of course,
The cart came before the horse,
In Mesopotamia,
The burial,
Of wheeled vehicles,
Are associated with royal funerals,
By 3,000 BC,
But the clumsy,
Sumerian war chariot,
Still used asses,
Not horses,
To pull it,
Although for good or not the Ukrainian,
May have made the innovation,
To attach the horse to a chariot,
Attaching the cow to the plough,
Or the bull or the ox anyhow,
Was a revolution for the agrarian,
Of whatever linguistic persuasion,
Skin pigmentation,
Or agro-ecosystem,
However, it would be the European,
Indo-Aryan speaking,
Who would make the innovation,
And specialize in the application,
Of putting the horse to plough,
The European agrarian,
Horse-powered plowing,
On that former European,
From neither the Romans,
Nor the Greeks before them,
Would the horse-plowing technique come,
They relied on slaves or oxen,
To get their plowing done,
But it would not be,
Until the European Dark Ages,
As late as the eighth or ninth centuries,
Before the European farmer invents collar and traces,
And only later breast harnesses,
The old system,
Successfully applied for millenium,
By the Middle Eastern Mesopotamian,
To till with oxen,
When applied to the horse,
To till a straight course,
Only choked them,
A horse,
With the proper harness,
Can pull a heavier load than an ox,
And the European agrarians didn’t need clocks,
To realize the horse,
Could pull twice as fast,
With the proper harness,
The ancestor of the modern horse,
Appeared in North America,
About two to seven million years ago,
It crossed,
The Bering land bridge into Asia,
Continuing on to Europe and even into Africa,
By 6000 BC it was extinct in America,
But thriving in Eurasia,
Where they were hunted,
And then domesticated in Russia,
By a group called Painted Skeleton people,
Because they removed the flesh of their dead,
And then they painted them red,
Before burial,
These painted skeleton men,
Soon learned to ride them,
And laid waste to the encroaching agrarian,
Driving them back to the forestland,
A history to be repeated again and again,
Perhaps saving the area for thousand of years from severe erosion,
And corresponding overpopulation,
Dangers of the overly successful agrarian,
For the nomadic pastoralist,
This northern steppe grass,
From Europe to Asia was gas,
That drove him along the first information superhighway,
Occasionally dropping south on a pillaging foray,
Or to do a real-estate survey,
Indo-Aryan speakers called Wiros,
Formed the first major wave of Aryans to invade the Indus,
Describing the agricultural inhabitants there,
Not very fair,
As flat-nosed and black-skinned,
As if they’d sinned,
And if that weren’t enough of a vice,
They also refused to perform sacrifice,
And even more heretical,
They appeared to be matrilineal,
The Rig Veda gives the name Dasa or Dasyu to this Indus Valley agrarian,
Most likely speaking a language of the group collectively called Dravidian,
Anyone reading the Rig Veda would have to confess,
It’s filled with the same Old Testament Biblical self-righteousness,
Them against us,
The same Old Testament male,
Involved with his sadomasochistic ritual,
Sacrificial pastoral,
Breeding-husbanding his woman and his cattle,
A godly grace,
A chosen race,
The horse brings a revolution,
Not only in the sense of nomadic transportation,
But in opening the steppes to nomadic pastorilization,
With the horse they can harvest grass,
That solar energy filled with gas,
Over a much larger range,
And with this gradual change,
Take advantage of larger herds of horses and cattle,
To go into battle,
With additional food for their growing population,
This also brings the innovation,
For long-distance invasion,
The 13th century Mongolian Empire,
Would reach three times the surface area that Alexander could acquire,
Two millennia or so after that first Aryan invasion into India had been run,
And a millennia or so before the Empire of the Mongolian had begun,
Atilla and his Hun,
Will have their brief moment in the European sun,
Hun from the Chinese word,
For warlike nomads or,
A horde,
Supposedly driven from Chinese borders in the first century AD,
And by the fourth century,
Charging into European history,
Shortly to grow in infamy,
For their alleged cruelty,
Rearranging for future centuries the European maps,
Before their few decades elapse,
Then the Huns simply disappear,
All that’s left’s a jear,
A receding memory of fear,
Yet in Hungary he’s a hero,
Telling civilized Rome where to go,
Then a couple of centuries later,
The "White Hun" will invade India and Persia,
More misbehavior,
And we still don’t know either,
Their language or their skin color,
We know the Magyar-Hungarians are speakers of Finno-Ugric,
Whether it’s a linguistic legacy,
Or a brief Hun history,
We can’t speak,
But if its not Indo-Aryan,
Yet it spread from the Hungarian,
To the Estonian,
From Finland,
To Lapland,
Or the contrarian,
Maybe Finns once spoke Indo-Aryan,
So different in lifestyle and physical features,
Yet all Finno-Ugric speakers,
Members of an old nomadic alliance,
Or under the same linguistic dominator to whom they once,
Had to show compliance,
By historians we are told Finno-Ugrik speakers made up a minority of the nomadic steppe population,
That will be dominated in the end,
By the Turk and Mongolian,
And all that gold from Rome,
To bribe the Huns to leave them alone,
Leaving them to plunder,
That Germanic Gothic barbarian other,
Sending him running for cover,
So the Huns invade southern Russia in AD 372,
Uprooting Germanic Ostrogoths
and Visigoths too,
The Visigoths do some sacking of their own,
In 410 they sack Rome,
And as quickly as they came they are gone,
Making their way to Spain,
Briefly their Gothic culture to proclaim,
Other Germanic tribes do the same,
Displacing the Celts along the Rhine and Main,
Ostrogoths take large parts of northern Italy,
Brutality begets more brutality,
Burgandians move into France,
Doing their Indo-Aryan musical chair dance,
Saxons, Jutes and Angles,
Are pushed across the English Channel,
Giving the "English" Celts more than they can handle,
And without a chair left for the German Vandal,
They flee to Morocco to avoid the scandal,
Romans and Visigoths defeat Attila in Gual in 451,
Attila dies the next year, but the Huns hang on,
Long enough to sack Italy and then they’re gone,
Leaving in their wake a nomadic power vacuum,
But invading nomads come and go,
The sedentary peasantry must return to their fields and hoe,
North of the steppe in the forested hinterland
The Slavic peasant made his stand,
The language of this Russian agrarian,
And in the end, the Russian nation,
Is also Indo-Aryan,
Baltic and Lithuanian,
The closest of the language group of the European,
To that ancient Sanskrit of the subcontinent,
Of the Aryan Indian,
It was that Slavic peasant agrarian,
Who weathered the storms of the nomadic equestrian,
Running back to his plot of grain,
In the forest-silvestrian,
Hiding till the nomads left to plant on the open steppes again,
And yet related linguistically to the ancient Aryan,
Nomads who conquered the Dravidian,
In that subcontinent we call Indian,
Bottom of Form 2
From a second millennia BC Northern European,
Primitivist agrarian to a nomadic pastorialist invading Aryan,
Then eventually in India,
A return from pastoralism,
To agrarian again,
From Hinduism
To Buddhism,
Then back again,
What a long strange trip
It must have been,
The agrarian culture we call Tripolye,
Disappears mysteriously,
From Russian soil around 2000 BC,
It was similar to that of the Central European,
Danubian agrarian,
But its high-grade pottery is more akin,
To the contemporary Chinese artisan,
Than the more primitive pottery of the European,
Did they speak a proto-Slavic, or that of the ancient Danubian?,
Did the Aryan nomads speaking a proto-Lithuanian,
Wreak havoc on them?
Before leaving to invade that Subcontinent Indian,
To wreak havoc on the Dravidian agrarian?
Or were the Tripolye culture and the 2000 BC nomadic Russian Aryan,
Linguistic and genetic kin?
One branch being nomadic and the other branch agrarian?
Nonetheless, the nomadic pastoralist invading Indo-Aryan,
Who sacked India’s Dravidian,
Spoke a language akin,
To Slavic and Lithuanian,
A language group with a long history as a northern European Aryan,
Or agrarian,
Language that in India gave origin,
To Indian Hinduism and East Asian Buddhism,
Three millennia before their conversion to Russian Orthodox Christianism,
That Byzantine version Of a Judeo-Roman-Christian religion,
In their ancient indigenous North East European homeland,
Arya or Aryan,
A word meaning agrarian,
In that ancient language called Sanskrit,
Of the Indian Indo-Aryan,
And the root word for Europe or European,
In that ancient North Western homeland,
Of its origin, Probably near the Baltic or Ukraine,
Before the 2,000 BC Aryan invasion,
And eventual formation of that ancient nation,
Of the Indo-Aryan Persian we now call Iran,
With its Shiva-like god, Ahriman,
The Aryans, who invaded the Indus valley of Pakistan,
Which used to be Indian,
Left the cultural imprint of their Indo-Aryan,
Language called Urdu,
Although they are now Moslem not Hindu,
Some say they invaded India from Persia,
Rather than dropping down from the steppes of central Asia,
Where the 2 to 4 millennia old Aryan mummies are found,
So there was more than one route,
For these Indo-Aryan nomads to travel about,
Yet their Hindu god of destruction is Shiva not Ahriman,
The Indo-Aryan Indian,
Left for themselves the title Aryan,
Seemingly proud to be called agrarian,
Some claim that Sanskrit is closer to Gaelic or Celtic,
Rather than proto-Lithuanian,
Or maybe they were the same,
But either way, the language is Indo-Aryan,
Of the formerly pedestrian northerly migrating agrarian,
Now with horse and cattle heading south again,
And probably further east than they had previously ever been,
Why in India did they call themselves Arya?
When their god of destruction is called Shiva?
Or Kali, as a feminine version,
Of the destructive god called Ahriman,
In ancient Iran,
Land of the Aryan Persian,
It is said that the Celts Ha d a god named Aryman,
That was truly a god of food, or agrarian,
Rather than one of destruction, a god derived from the root word for agriculture,
But how could this god endure,
Centuries of linguistic, religious drift of the proto Indo-Aryan language, religion, and culture?
And transform its godly image from one Aryan symbology to another,
From one that’s benevolent,
To another that’s malevolent,
Still it’s the root word for agriculture,
A hypothesis,
That is as good as anyone’s guess,
Is that the Indo-Aryan, invading Persian,
Being pastoral, too nomadic to be agricultural,
Butchering cattle, all food was sacrificial,
Ahriman was cruel,
But perhaps like the Judeo-Christian one,
Their god Ahriman,
Was fearful, and cruel, but personal,
Later in Greek mythology, God, probably, Zeus,
Turns into a bull, in order to seduce,
The young maiden Europa,
Who might as well have been named Aryopa,
He swims with her to Crete,
His passion not discreet,
There she bore him sons,
Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon,
Minos becomes Crete’s King,
And makes Pasiphae his queen,
But herein lies the sting,
Like her mother-in-law Europa,
With a bull she has a fling,
Disguised as a cow to do her thing,
Then gives birth to the Minotaur,
A creature, part man, part bull,
A tale of lust,
Reproduction, if you must,
The moral, Old Testamental,
Pastoral, sacrificial,
Maintaining breeding lines,
Genetics before its time,
Like begets like,
But its against the odds,
That all bulls are gods,
Or possibly between the lines,
A sign of the times,
Of invasions,
Of more northern indo-Aryans,
Europa, a mythological woman,
Whose name, like that of Ahryman,
Is derived from the Indian Sanskrit root word for agrarian,
And of course for Europe or European,
Sanskrit, the mother of Greek and Latin,
Although the Nazis used the word arya in,
Their campaign to justify their belief in,
The superiority of the German,
They wreaked havoc on their fellow speakers of language that were Indo-Aryan,
Living all around them,
Just as the Germanic Teutonic Knights had done,
Early in the second millenium,
With the Catholic Church’s blessing and permission,
In the Baltic land of the Lithuanian,
Even though they were already Christian,
Because the Church wanted to control Baltic amber concessions,
To make rosary beads for their confessions,
Later Germanic Prussia,
Will conspire with Austria and Russia,
To divide Poland, then in World War II again,
To gain Lebensraum for the German peasant agrarian,
And by this time, minerals for their military-industrial machine,
Germano-centric, not Euro-centric,
So there was no Germanic, nationalistic movement to embrace their Indo-Aryan brother,
With a Napoleonic pseudo-fraternity, and pseudo-equality they wouldn’t bother,
Be they Slav or Lithuanian,
French, English, or Scandinavian,
It was Germany Über alles and subdue them,
Pity the migrating Gypsy,
Who reached the European Byzantine Empire,
As early as the 11th century, traveling from nothern India to the west of Italy,
Bear trainers and fortune-tellers with their Indo-Aryan language called Romany,
Which they spoke in India originally,
As if some ancient memory,
Was driving them back to the land of the European,
Although no one would be there to greet them,
As for the probably, non-semitic Jew,
Well, that’s another story too,
Whether it be about the nomadic Hun,
Or so many an agricultural civilization,
The authors of the Vedas might say,
In freedom they came, in freedom they rose, in freedom they melted away.
Still remnants of this horde held on,
Long after the Huns were gone,
Between the western most steppes of this continent Eurasian,
And the eastern most forests of the European,
Speaking languages we call Turkic,
Or perhaps Finno-Ugrik,
Or perhaps some other,
Borrowed from a more powerful nomadic brother,
There were Bulgars, Alans, Uigurs and Sabirs,
Burtas, Pechinegs, Ghuzz, and Bashkirs,
Saragurs, Kumans, Kipchaks, and Avars,
Onogurs, Utigurs, Zabenders, and Magyars,
Kotragars, Khabars, Kutrigurs, and many others,
Including the Chazars or Khazars,
Maybe from the Turkish word “gaz” meaning to wander,
A generic term all nomads are named for,
And who had themselves probably taken tutelage under the Hun,
Before their own rise to power had begun,
First appearing in written history,
As subjects of the Hun in the fifth century AD,
While later Arab descriptions,
Are filled with contradictions,
Black Khazars and White Khazars, as if two different races,
But may be only to distinguish social classes,
Believed to speak a dialect of Turkish,
Shared with their contemporary Bulgars and called Chuvash,
Turk is supposedly a term of Chinese derivation,
For tribes of a similar linguistic categorization,
Which may or may not indicate skin coloration,
By melanin skin pigmentation,
But certainly attests to long distance lifestyle of the nomadic Eurasian,
Said one Arab chronicler of the Khazar’s time,
“Khazars are to the North of the inhabited earth towards the seventh clime,”
And further pinpoints their location,
As having the Plough above their heads as a constellation.
Their land is cold their complexions white their eyes are blue,
And their hair is of a reddish hue,
Some claim they were originally pastoral,
Only then converting to a lifestyle more agricultural,
But one might propose the contrarian,
That to have such light hair, eyes, and skin,
All indicative of less melanin,
That they had previously been,
Originated from the Northerly migrating grain growing agrarian,
Before converting to a life of nomadic pastoralism,
What say geneticists of such speculation,
Being north of the Plough constellation,
Never affected greatly Mongolian pigmentation,
Who had never had a known history agrarian,
Instead having horse, sheep, cattle, and milk of mare,
Rather than bread as their daily fare,
And the Chinese farmers south of them,
May have black hair but lighter skin,
To the north of the Caucasus to the east of Byzantium,
Overlapping what had once been the land of the Scythian,
Lay the land of the Khazarian, on the Northern shore of the Caspian,
Which Arab Muslims called the Sea of the Khazarian,
Always fearing that from that direction,
Would come a Khazarian invasion,
The Byzantine Christians showing unusual humility, paid homage,
To Khazarian ability to do both Vikings and Moslems damage,
While Byzantine Letters to the Pope or Emperor of the West,
Were attached with a gold seal worth two solidi,
Those sent to the kind of the Khazars were attached to a old seal worth three,
Shortly after the death of Mohamed in 632, armies of the Caliphate,
Long before the rise of the Turkish Moslem state,
Almost sealed Constantinople’s fate,
Then in 732, Khazarian forces,
Guarding the northern side of the Caucasus,
Gave the Moslems a resounding defeat,
Knocking them temporarily off their feet,
Emperor Constantine the Fifth married a Khazarian princess,
Who then begot Byzantine King Leo the Fourth,
Known as Leo the Khazar, of Course,
A Khazarian King of the Christian Byzantine,
Then Khazaria converts to the religion of the Jew,
In terms of Old Testament government, little difference between the two,
Or three, if we include the Moslems into,
This Old Testament Biblical identity,
From a distance Jew Christian and Moslem appear to be,
Part of the same Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Trinity,
Each pretending a difference to justify, their respective dynasty,
But just enough of a difference,
To allow the Khazars in essence,
Not to become a religious vassal state of the other two,
Not a Christian or a Moslem, but in fact a Jew,
No doubt Byzantium hoped for a Khazarian religious alliance,
That would bring the Khazars into Byzantine Christian cultural reliance,
A religious coup d’etat?
Whether the Khazarian kings liked it or not,
As Moslems bow to Mecca, and Catholics bow to Rome,
Byzantium hoped to make Constantinople the Khazarian religious home,
But this Christian conversion was rejected by the Khazarian,
Religious kinds and military men,
No way for an up and coming military power to begin.
That would not be the fate,
Of their up and coming military state,
That had laid siege to Georgia and sacked Armenia,
Then rode half-way to the capital of the Arab Moslem Caliphate,
Byzantium, even out of religious envy,
Had no desire to make Khazaria an official enemy,
As long as they maintained a buffer zone between,
Moslem Arabia and Christian Byzantium,
Constantinople could use them, then in 737
The Arab Moslem defeats the Khazarian,
Forcing them to convert to Islam,
But the conversion doesn’t last,
And is revoked as soon as the Arab Moslem threat has passed,
With this temporary gesture of Khazarian appeasement,
Arab Moslem energy for conquest of Khazaria and Byzantium is spent,
Byzantine Christianity is saved by Khazarian Jewish tenacity,
From what might have been a very different history,
If the Arab Moslem flag had been unfurled in Byzantium,
Before the end of the first millennium,
Perhaps a Columbus who was Moslem,
Might have been the one,
To introduce to the New World a biblical version,
That was Mohammedan, that was the Koran,
And the New World would have been Judeo-Moslem,
Rather than Judeo-Christian,
By the 15th century when Constantinople fell,
It was too late to subdue the Western European,
Or to overthrow his religion, Judeo-Roman-Christian,
Who by now had increased military might,
Albeit at the expense of the European peasant’s plight,
The Moors were being driven from their Spanish home base,
Too late for Middle Eastern or even the Turkish Moslem to expand at their historic pace,
But what the fate might have been,
For both Byzantium, And the European,
If not for the militarized Judeo-Khazarian,
We can only guess,
Then no sooner do the Arab Moslems take a rest,
Than the area, Of the Byzantines and the Khazars, is invaded by the Rhus,
That is the Swedish Viking, known also as the Rhos or Varangian,
Probably from the Swedish word for rower,
Whose invasion was not from the Mediterranean,
Instead from the Baltic they rowed over,
Pillaging the Slavs making them run for cover,
Then rowing down the Dnieper river,
Called the Great Waterway in the Nordic Sagas,
Bringing with them their military armadas,
From there to enter the Black Sea, conveniently for the plunder,
Of the Christian Byzantine Empire,
Or its capital, Constantinople,
Or they might row down the Volga, to the capital Of Khazaria,
There in Itil, to strike a deal to enter the Caspian, known as the Sea of the Khazarian,
To trade or pillage in the land of the Mohammedan,
Just as the Khazars by land had once done,
But these were not Khazar horsemen, they were Swedish boatmen,
Invading Moslem settlements along the southern rim of the Caspian,
Sea of the Kharian, Gateway to Iran,
Bringing Slavs, or Slaves, with them, to trade with the Khazarian,
Who no doubt resold them to the Moslem,
Whose interpretation of Islam justifies slavery through The Koran,
Or to sell them to the Christian,
Hypocrites of Byzantium,
It’s doubtful that history,
Has quantified this misery,
This taking of agrarian Slavs for Slaves,
Where they were taken, into whose exploitation were they given,
How many men, women, how many children?
But they were heathen pagan, not Moslem or Christian,
While the Rus and Khazars each had their own religion,
Each their own world vision, each their own ambition,
About the same time that the Rus-Viking star
Begins to climb, they become more terrestrial,
And over the land of the Slavs more territorial,
Separating Kiev from the influence,
And tributary dominance, Of Khazaria,
To eventually, making it part of the new Rus-Slavic Russia,
While the Slav farmer-peasant,
Must to a new master be subservient,
Providing grains for the new Rus feudal government,
While these Rus invaders become increasingly Slavic,
Trading their own Swedish Indo-Aryan, Germanic,
And Scandinavian, for a language that’s Slavonic,
Thus also Indo-Aryan,
And the language of the northerly-migrating agrarian,
Turned to seafaring,
And river warfaring,
While their fellow Vikings, Danes and Norwegians,
Raided the lands, of their fellow Western Europeans,
By 833 AD the Bek and Kagan, the two kings of Khazaria,
One king being civilian, and the other king a warrior,
Sent an embassy from Ital, the Khazarian capital,
To the Byzantine of Constantinople, together they built a fortress at Sarkel,
On the Don near the river Volga, hoping to repel,
The Rus infidel,
Around 860 AD,
The Rus crossed the Black Sea,
There to lay siege to Constantinople,
Bringing over two hundred ships to the battle,
With a hundred men in each trying to topple,
Unsuccessfully, Constantinople,
The Rus-Varangian and Emperors of Greek Christian Byzantium both met  to agree,
In 907 and 911 AD upon a peace treaty,
The Rus could trade, but only enter, through one gate of the city,
Allowing in, at any one time, no more Rus than fifty,
For dealing in black market currency,
Constantinople had a penalty,
No compensation,
Just a one hand amputation,
The culture of the Byzantine Christian,
The treaty’s close was formalized by both,
Sides taking an oath,
The Byzantine emperors kissed a cross,
But not the Rus who swore by their god Perun and the cattle god Volos,
No doubt the Christians of Byzantium,
Would have felt more at home with the Judeo-Khazarian,
One year after the Rus-Byzantine treaty in 912 AD,
The Rus Varangian, those same Swedish Viking,
Sailed with up to 500 ships into the Sea of the Khazarian,
Past Itil, the Khazars capital,
Bringing 50,000 men to rape, loot and kill,
On the southern rim of the Caspian,
Once known as the sea of the Khazarian, in the land of the Moslem,
And what a bloodbath it must have been, not just for one side but for both of them,
Moslem mercenaries living under, working for the kings of the Khazar attack the Rus near Itil,
Allegedly scoring a kill, as they retreat up the Volga,
Leaving Khazaria politically and militarily in the middle,
Of a dispute that won’t be easy to settle,
But the Rus would wait another thirty years before trying it again,
Rowing down the Volga to the Caspian,
Then, in 941 the Varangian, the Viking, the Russian Prince Igor
Whose wife Olga was described by one,
As a Scandinavian Amazon,
Decides to return to war with the Christians of Constantinople,
Showing no shame; rape, loot, murder all the same,
Putting churches to flame,
But this time they’re met by Greek fire, as likely as anything to inspire,
In the Viking fear of the Byzantine god of fiery flame,
A fire more at home at sea than on the land,
Where Viking power was most grand,
From Byzantine warships to the air and onto the water it came,
Burning ships and Vikings all the same,
Probably a gift of petroleum,
A precursor to Harvard’s Napalm,
If it was a god it was the god of fossil carbon,
It wouldn’t be worshipped for some time to come,
But when the Rus described
It amongst them,
They said,
The Greeks had,
In their possession,
The lightening from heaven,
Around 965 AD came the sacking of Sarkel,
Demonstrating that this river fortress didn’t function so well,
Destroyed by the Rus Viking,
This river fortress not to his liking,
Giving the boot,
To Khazar collectors of tribute,
From Slavic farmer peasants Khazaria took,
A silver piece per plowshare,
Now the Rus would get that share,
Or whatever the market could bear,
About the same time as the Rus sacking of Sarkel,
Someone attacked Itil,
The Khazarian capital, as well,
It could have been the Rus, but history don’t tell,
Could have been more up and coming young Turks just as well,
But it signals a Jewish Khazaria on the military decline,
Having increasing difficulty holding the battle line,
The Rus, probably more responsible than competing Turkic tribes,
In breaking long standing Khazar-Magyar ties,
Upsetting the balance of power,
Setting of light to the Finno-Ugric, speaking Magyar,
Breaking their history as vassals of the Khazar,
Breaking Magyar ties with other Finno-Ugric speakers now in Russia, Estonia, and Finland,
Also possibly with the Finno-Ugric Saami Language speakers,
And European tundra reindeer herders of Lapland,
So different again from their Finno-Ugric speaking kin,
To the south of them,
All of them now being agrarians,
While the Magyars migrate over the mountains,
Named Carpathians,
No longer collecting the tribute that they used to get,
From Slavs and possibly their fellow speakers of Finno-Ugric,
That they collected for the treasury of Khazaria,
Before fleeing the area, Now controlled by the Rus of the new Russia,
But as a result founding Hungary,
With its ancient Hun memory,
And Finno-Ugric Magyar identity,
Eventually mixed with European Christianity,
And to Hungary, with the Magyars, went the Kabars,
A more military branch, of the now more sedentary Khazars,
Helping the Magyars,
Stake their turf and fight their wars,
Which may explain the mystery,
In eastern European history,
A bit mixed in legend and mythology,
Of Jewish princes,
Before Christian fences,
In the then still wild western,
History of the Eastern European,
The Austrian Chronicle of the 14th century,
Writes of a history,
Of Jewish Austrian princes as a distant memory,
Before Christianity,
And could be explained by these Khazar-Kabars,
Riding with the Magyars,
For half a century,
Until 955 AD,
Austria as far west as the river Enns was under Hungarian MagYar-Kabar sovereignty,
And the Kabar no doubt brought with them their Khazar version of Judaism,
All we can say with certainty,
Is that the Khazars burst into Byzantine and Eastern European history,
Around the 5th century AD,
Even less written information exists on the Khazars before their conversion to Judaism,
But they did have enough power at times,
To influence the politics of the Greek Christian Byzantines,
After disappearance of the Hun,
The Khazars were strongest and headed a Turkic Confederation,
With other Western Steppe nomads subservient to them,
There, strong military force would assume a substantial population,
And would assume ability to draw additional forces from this loosely organized nomadic nation,
This West Turkish Empire lasted about a century,
From 550 to 650 AD,
The title for their Turkic Leader was Kagan,
A title later used for one of the duel kings of the Kharians,
This West Turkish Empire rose as a third power,
Along with the older Indo-Aryan Persian,
And the Byzantine Empire with it’s then Roman Emperor,
With whom the Khazar, united in war, sending 40,000 horsemen,
To aid Roman Emperor Heraclius, in 627, to overthrow the empire of the Persian,
And by such destabilization,
Perhaps unwillingly unleashed,
That Moslem military beast,
Upon the continent Eurasia, by destabilizing Persia,
A new power rises to fill the vacuum out of Arabia,
It was Arther Koestler in the 20th  century who made the comparison,
That to educated Jewish men of the first millenium,
Of the Christian the very idea of a Turkic Jewish Khazarian,
Was something like encountering,
A circumcised unicorn,
If such a comparison might be borne,
But if one gave it some thought,
The concept of Khazaria was like a Jewish Camelot,
Historically homeless Jews had land—they had a lot,
And for a few centuries they held their own with the Greek Byzantine Christian,
They held their own with the Arabic and Persian Moslems,
With Turkic pagans, and for a while the Rus,
In addition to the occasional Rus raid,
Then Rus also brought trade,
Rus merchant fleets in the summer,
Row down the Volga to trade with the Moslem Caliphate or Khazaria,
Bringing fur to sell to the Muslim aristocracy,
While Khazaria, receives 10% from the trade tax it levees--bureaucracy,
The Rus also bring slaves for the market in Itil,
Where slave traders struck a deal
Or for one who wants the truly exotic,
Amber is brought by the Rus from the Baltic,
The mosques of Itil are boasted of by contemporary Moslems,
And no doubt,
On this trade route,
There are Christians,
And relations, to maintain with
The Byzantines,
Yet there is still intrigue,
Everyone trying to take,
What they think,
They may need,
The Moslem Caliphate,
From Baghdad, Iraq,
Center of the Islamic religious state,
On the 11th Safar of the year 309,
Meaning June 21, AD 921 Christian time,
Sent an embassy,
To the north of Khazaria,
To Bulgar territory,
The Bulgar vowed to convert to Islam,
If the Caliphate would build
A fort to protect them,
From the tyrannical Khazarian,
And by this time,
Also probably the Rus and the
And they almost freeze in this northern
They tell of Turk nomads in the summer,
When both sexes swim in the river,
Naked together,
Their women wear no veils,
And in front of these Arab males,
Nonchalantly scratch their genitals,
Yet these Turks split adulterers
In two,
By tying them to any tree branches
That will do,
While some of these Turks,
Still creatures of their pagan quirks,
Worship gods in the form of nature,
A god for winter,
A god for summer,
A god for rain,
A god for water,
A god for wind,
A god for men,
A god for the sky,
And a god for the night and a god for the day,
A god for earth,
And a god for death,
Even a god for the horse,
After all, they are nomads
Of course,
Or they might worship a wooden penis,
Symbol of the object from which they issued forth,
Some tribes specialized,
Worshipping snakes, fish or cranes—animalized,
Perhaps Khazaria had lost its hegemony,
With the coming of the new Russia,
Now the Moslems and the Byzantines,
Were playing power brokers,
On one level ambassadorial,
On another level conspiratorial,
But nothing the Khazars or the Bulgars wouldn’t do,
If and when they had the power to,
A couple of centuries earlier Constantinople sometimes relied,
On Bulgars, or Khazars,
To be their king makers, their power brokers, hiring them to ride,
And intervene in affairs,
Between competing Byzantine imperial heirs,
Justinian II, known as Rhinometus,
Because when Rhinometus,
Was for the first time,
From his throne deposed,
By the new Byzantine King
They cut off his nose,
The way Byzantine Christian politics goes,
In exile he was given new political life,
By the Khazars, who also gave him a Khazar princess for a wife,
And he relied on the Khazars to restore him to power,
But when their support begins to sour,
Goes over to the Bulgar, who provide Rhinometus, or Justinian,
With 15,000 horsemen to attack Contantinople, or Byzantium,
The Bulgar king is rewarded with gold coins piled in a heap,
Which he measures with his “Scythian whip”,
But restoring Rhinometus to power,
Only unleashes a new reign of terror,
Upon his subjects and the town of Cherson,
A town of Christians and Jews, disputed over by Khazaria and Byzantium,
So the Khazars overthrow this Byzantine king, again,
Although his Khazarian wife remains loyal to him,
711 AD was the last year of his reign,
In the tenth century, Olga the Rus Amazon,
With her husband, Prince Igor, dead and gone,
Will become a Christian,
It is her grandson Vladmir, ruler of the Rus,
After a civil war, in which he emerged victorious,
Then overrunning in 988 AD,
The Greek Byzantine city,
Of Cherson, long disputed over by Khazaria and Byzantium,
And as compensation will convert his new nation,
Slavic and Russian, to the religion of the Greek Byzantine Christian,
Besides annexing Cherson, on the Black Sea, to the Russian Confederation,
Vladmir marries Princess Anna of Bzyantium,
So Greek Christianity will become,
The official religion of the Russian people,
And from 1037 AD the new Russian Church will be ruled from Constantinople,
Till the Moslem Turks in 1453 cause it to topple,
Located strategically,
On the Black Sea,
However briefly,
When comparing Jewish, Christian,
And Moslem mythology,
The Jew’s tale, all should agree,
Is the basis of all three,
So it appeared the Jew,
Had the moral authority,
And jealousy,
Of the other two,
If only he could maintain military parity too,
When time came for the Rus to decide,
There were four choices amongst which to divide,
We are told that Jew, Christian, and Moslem all proselytize,
Trying to convert the Rus and enhance their political ties,
The Moslems promise the Rus a paradise,
Seventy fair women for him when he dies,
But at abstinence in this life from pork and wine,
Vladmir draws the line,
Next Vladmir asks the Jews why they no longer rule Jerusalem,
Because god was punishing them,
And scattered the Jews because of their sin,
They answer him,
Vladmir must have been irate,
How could they expect him to accept such a fate,
While the Greek Christians,
Swear that the Moslems,
Wet their excrement,
Then drink the water and anoint their beards with it,
To honor Mohamet,
While the Jews punishment,
Ain’t so odd,
According to the Christians,
They’re the confessed killers of god,
While on their fellow Roman Christians,
Also competing to convert the Russians,
They go light,
The Romans mean well, but they “modified the Rite,”
The priest-shaman lies with the king,
Or vice-versa,
Hoping for the treasure or power it will bring,
Nothing the Greek-Russian-Christian priests won’t do,
When their time comes to,
Same old story like in India too,
While shamans or medicine men,
Like rulers, may have been,
Arbiters of life and death,
It was also a power Christian,
Russian and European priests, were also endowed with,
The funeral sacrifice of a Rus slave girl,
Along with hundreds of cattle,
At a Rus lord’s burial ritual,
Or the Bulgars murder-sacrifice,
Of “too clever” people,
Too smart by twice,
Paganic-Vedic-Old Testamental,
Compatible with a pastoral,
Or nomadic lifestyle,
Or a system that was agrarian,
Medieval or feudal,
For Ibn Fadlan,
Tenth century AD Moslem ambassador,
To the Turkic Bulgar,
A Turkic male lusting to seduce,
Some beardless male youth,
Would hardly seem an abuse,
But to Ghuzz and Bulgar men,
This was a terrible sin,
Although apparently,
Less so than adultery,
Cultural relativity,
Instead of the death penalty,
He gets away,
With a 400 sheep fine to pay,
The Moslem mission to proselytize the Bulgars,
Traveled around the land of the Khazars,
Through the land of the Ghuzz,
And other Turkic tribes,
Sometimes vassals,
Sometimes rivals,
Of the Khazars,
Within Itil,
The Khazarian capital,
Being increasingly cosmopolitan,
A few mosques didn’t threaten
The official Jewish state religion,
As for spreading Mohamet,
To their fellow nomads who were pagans and Turkic,
The Khazars weren’t buying it,
And didn’t want the Moslem Caliphate,
Selling it,
Another tribe that was Turkic,
A branch of the Ghuzz Turks named Seljuk,
Will be for a while,
Part of the Khazars inner circle,
Until their leader becomes a black sheep, a rebel,
And will,
Convert to Islam,
Found the state of Turkey,
Take Baghdad from the Moslem,
And, eventually, make Constantinople Moslem,
But this will be some time to come,
After the rise to power and collapse of the truly Eur-Asian,
Empire of the Mongolian,
By then Khazaria will be gone,
In this same 10th century AD,
Of Christianity,
When envoys of the Baghdad Caliphate,
Sent for by the Bulgar,
A would-be relative is trying to communicate,
With the Khazar state,
But it was a pain,
To deliver a letter to the Khazar,
All the way from Spain,
His letter is returned undelivered,
Jewish communication between Constantinople and Khazaria severed,
Or at least not encouraged,
Byzantium didn’t want to aid a Jewish alliance,
No matter the distance,
No matter that it had no military significance,
Was not the business that Byzantium was in,
Even though they still called themselves Khazaria’s friend,
While the emperor of Byzantium,
About that same time,
Hatched a plan,
To have the Alan,
Another Turkic, nomadic clan,
Attack the Khazarian,
The communicator,
And letter writer,
To Khazaria,
Was Hasdai Ibn Shaprut,
The Jewish foreign minister of Spain’s western,
A prestigious medical doctor,
Diplomat and negotiator,
In its negotiations between,
The Spanish Caliphate of the Moslem,
And the Spanish and German,
Roman Christian,
As well as the Greek Christian,
Of Byzantium,
A Jewish renaissance man,
Before European Christians had one,
A product of the Golden Age of Jews in Spain,
With more freedom under the rule of the Moslem,
Than they would ever know in Europe again,
Under the rule of the Christian,
The Spanish Jew or Sephardim,
Could claim,
A closer link to true Middle Eastern Judaism,
However distant in the past those roots had been,
However with time historically dim,
Than ever could the Turkic Khazarian,
To their chosen,
Jewish religion,
Sephardic or Spanish Judaism,
With a much longer tradition,
Of Hebrew writing and education,
Than the Khazarian,
Combined with Arabic and Greek scholarly tradition,
Which must surely have sharpened,
Jewish contradiction,
And skepticism,
Combined with a literal religion,
And in a self-confident Moslem Spain,
The advantages such sub-cultural discipline will bring,
Where assimilating,
And accumulating,
Multi-cultural information,
Was considered an honorable profession,
Sure, much was literal Old Testament Biblical,
Or “Torah”-nical,
Or “Koran”-ical,
In this Spain of the Moslem,
Or the pseudo-science of Aristotle,
With his five element, earth-centered, philosophy,
Perhaps Kabalic numerology,
Ancient Mesopotamian astrology,
As well as alchemy,
A sort of proto-chemistry,
Or chemical astrology,
Which certainly,
Didn’t contradict backward Aristotelian cosmology,
Nor Earth-centered Biblical astronomy,
Where god made the sun stop in its orbit around the Earth,
The Bible, to another Earth-centered Universe, gave birth,
To a cosmology no more advanced than the inventors of Thor or of Zeus,
Rigidified against the truth,
Then in a later Roman Catholic Euro-Christian time,
Aristotle, and the Bible, will combine,
The academic Aristotelian,
Joining forces with the literal Biblical Christian,
In Renaissance times,
To accuse Galileo of intellectual crimes,
All because the educated Moslem,
Conserved the writings of the Greek Aristotelian,
So Saint Thomas Aquinas could translate it to Latin,
And it would become,
The academic dogma of the European,
Hasdai Ibn Shaprut,
Born in 910 AD,
In Cordoba, to a Jewish family,
Educated and astute,
Becoming a medical practitioner with remarkable cures to his credit,
Appointed diplomat,
By the Moorish Arabic Caliphate,
Spain’s Islamic government,
Yet he still found time to translate,
Medical texts and documents,
Into Arabic,
And in the Library of the Cordoban,
There were 40,000 volumes,
To choose from,
A resource not found in any nation,
Of the Indo-Aryan speaking,
And in Spain,
With an Arabic Moslem,
Communication system,
That allowed him,
To correspond with the rabbis of Baghdad,
Or the Hebrew grammarians and poets the Moslem world had,
Hasdai used his influential diplomatic position,
Hoping to lessen the persecution,
Of Jews in Greek Christian,
Compiling information,
About the dispersed Jewish population,
Hasdai will, in the end,
Get his message through to Khazaria,
First brought to his attention,
In Spain,
By traders from Byzantium,
Rumors of a nation,
Not Jerusalem,
But where its state religion,
Is Judaism,
In the 10th century,
Of Christianity,
His message gets through,
To King Joseph of the Khazarian Jew,
And a letter is returned to Hasdia in fluent Hebrew,
Using the Hebrew,
Vowel-less, consonantal,
Alphabetic letters that in total,
Number 22,
Compared to English with 26,
Including its vowels: a.e.i.o.u.,
Hasdai’s queries had been written,
And King Joseph of Khazaria was answering him,
Queries more about religious and cultural,
Rather than matters political,
Although King Joseph does discuss,
Briefly, his bitter battles with the Rus,
Hasai’s letter saying he’d renounce,
His position,
In Spain,
As kind as the Moslems have treated him,
If he could live in a Jewish homeland,
King Joseph writes of his ancestor King Bulan,
Who had a biblical dream-like vision,
To convert his nation,
To Judaism,
He drove out the sorcerers,
And idolaters,
Before the angel appeared to him,
And he had accepted, the true god – this King Bulan,
He’d done this even before
Accepting the true,
Jewish religion,
Before he had even had his vision,
Somehow, some Khazarian shaman,
Must have upset him,
This King Bulan,
Hasdai must have been confounded,
In trying to figure out where a King Bulan,
In Jewish history might belong,
If only to have been,
A fly on the wall then,
To see his reaction when,
To Hasdai’s inquiry,
As to Khazar genealogy,
As to what tribe of the Hebrew,
Pertained this Khazarian Jew,
King Joseph answered this query too,
But with a list of tribes that were Turkic,
Not Hebrew or Semitic,
And that read like a list of Who’s-Who,
But of the Turkic tribes of the western steppes,
Not of the 12 lost tribes of the Jew,
Recent genetic research has thrown,
Light upon,
The study of the male genome,
That belong,
To the patriarchal descendents,
Of the Jewish priestly class known,
By their surname of Cohen,
The geneticists,
Looked for the presence,
Or absence,
Of a small stretch,
Of DNA called YAP,
In the male Y chromosome of descendents,
Of these patrilineal theocrats,
Or religious aristocrats,
These priestly class “cohanim,”
They of the priestly male genes,
Carried less of this marker than,
The average Jewish,
Male population,
Or so was the conclusion,
This study made known,
Of the genetic research upon,
Male descendents with the sir name Cohen,
Further these “cohanim,”
They of the priestly male gene,
Were much more likely,
To carry,
A specific variant,
Of DNA of another length,
Elsewhere in the Y chromosome,
Further distinguishing the Cohen,
Suggesting they share,
A male heir,
Or heirs in common,
Not surprising,
We should have known,
As priestly privilege even,
Among the Khazars must have grown,
They produced a Jewish theocratic,
Priestly class,
Of their own,
Passing their genes along,
Spreading their priestly class,
Genes around,
Establishing their hollowed ground,
Nothing any other alpha,
Or privileged male wouldn’t have done,
Upon finding his privileged place,
In the sun,
Or under the Plough constellation,
And from them grew,
Probably a new,
 Priestly class who,
Would replace their shamans too,
Privileged priestly position,
Privileged priestly tradition,
Proving little more than among,
The same species,
Genes are exchanged with ease,
Just ask Napoleon,
Or Rasputin,
Alpha-cultural domination,
And genetic assimilation,
Like royalty become,
The chosen,
And what is modern genetics,
Trying to say,
The conclusion of the more egotist cohenim who,
Upon their privilege trod,
Those who now would,
Use modern genetics to prove,
The other Jews,
Heirs to a lesser god?
Oh, but life is odd,
The Jews called Ashkenazim,
Those of central and eastern,
European origin,
Including those of the cohenim,
Comprise the majority of Jews,
Who are Israeli of American,
And they are genetically unique from,
Those who are Middle Eastern,
Or Spanish Sepharidim,
Not to mention,
Those of Judeo-Ethiopian,
Regardless of those wandering,
But all claim,
Through belief in the same religion,
To comprise the ranks of the chosen,
But then again,
So does the racist European,
Or American,
Christian Indo-Aryan,
Although he stole his religion,
Which is Judeo-Christian,
From them,
Ashkenazim Jews,
Are prey to a unique set of genetic diseases,
Caused by genes that are recessive,
Their traits appear only if,
Two copies of the gene,
One from both egg and sperm,
Are inherited,
One copy of the gene does,
No harm and may do some good,
And would,
Cause natural selection,
To spread the mutation,
Rather than speed its extermination,
Amongst the Ashkenazim,
These genes remain,
The German Jews’ genetic burden,
The infant killing disease called Tay Sachs,
A disease that is hereditary and thus genetic,
Is unique to the German Jews who carry it,
Also to some French Canadians,
But it isn’t carried by Jews who are,
Of Sephardic,
Or Middle Eastern,
And it actually protects adult carriers,
Of the gene from tuberculosis,
A disease that was endemic to,
The Eastern European Jewish ghettos,
Another genetic infirmity,
Called IDT,
Causes muscle contractions that are involuntary,
Is now believed to be the effect,
Of a genetic bottleneck,
A semi-incestuous condition,
Of inbreeding within,
A small culturally,
And genetically,
Isolated population,
The Eastern European Jewish situation,
But inbreeding may also have occurred among the Fins,
Also with a small close-knit population,
As well as the incestuous royalty of the European,
Consider the hemophilia of the last heir to the throne,
Of the Russian,
Yet the marginalized Eastern European Jews,
Had an even greater genetic squeeze,
Which may have amplified genetic diseases,
And for all we know,
Genetic uniqueness,
Also enhancing favorable genetic qualities,
Or so suggest family genealogies,
Inbreeding of course,
Can lead to a superior race horse,
In the 17th century AD,
Social and cultural forces would align to see,
That more affluent Jewish classes,
Community leaders,
Jewish men of business,
As well as scholars and rabbis,
Would out-reproduce the poorer Jewish families,
Poorer families died out,
Less genetic diversity was spread about,
Amplifying good genes,
But unfortunately also bad genes,
Putting genetic diversity to route,
Nature’s cruel yet merciful trick,
The genetic bottleneck,
Yet don’t be too surprised,
Even if hidden between the lines,
Of the mythologies,
Of a religion,
Of a chosen,
That we find,
Even Mr. Jones got his genes,
Mixed in and upon,
Those of the Cohens,
After all even Mr. Jones,
Aspires to keep up with the Cohens,
And occasionally vice-versa,
In the land of the European,
Or Middle Eastern,
Male alpha,
Which may explain why,
In the traditionally,
Male dominated or patriarchal,
Old Testamental,
Or Jewish cultural,
That was pastoral,
Jewish birth rites are passed along lines,
That are matrilineal,
That they may continue to pass on,
The culture and religion,
Of the chosen,
A protection,
Against cultural disintegration,
Should the fate,
That befell the raped,
Sabine women,
Happen to them,
As it surely must have,
In the Eastern European land of the Slav,
Or being left to the mercy,
Of Russia’s Cossack,
Riding into Jewish villages and ghettos on horseback,
To rape,
And ransack,
Keeping law and order,
The Euro-Christian god and the Russian czar,
And then again,
The Eastern European,
Ghetto situation,
Where Jews are fenced in,
While the local European,
Closed in,
There were ghetto raids,
Both before and after the crusades,
And if there were outbreaks of Black Death or other plagues,
Jews were sacrificed on Euro-Christian sword blades,
For centuries Jews were sacrificed,
Upon the Euro-Christian altar,
Long before,
Anyone had heard of the Nazis or Hitler,
They were not seen as the ancestors of Jesus,
But as the killers of Christ,
There was possible,
Genetic mixing,
Due to early proselytism,
But not in the second millennium,
Of the European Christian,
Where both church and state,
Were so firmly aligned against them,
Where Jews had a smaller,
More marginalized population,
The Eastern European Jewish ghetto,
And village situation,
And where Jews increasingly take on,
Genetic traits of the peoples’ who surround them,
A dark history of rape and misogynization,
Nonetheless a history,
Of genetic diversity,
That puts the lie to,
The idea that all Jews are of a genetically,
Stereotypical homogeneity,
Instead they generally,
Show among them a greater genetic diversity,
And a greater genetic similarity,
To the Christians and Moslems,
In whose countries they have lived in,
One might argue that the impact of local genes,
May actually have protected them,
From the dangers of inbreeding,
Within a small population,
Nature’s cruel yet merciful,
Diversification of the gene pool,
The Eastern European Jew,
Before the Holocaust and WWII,
Often had light hair and eyes that were blue,
Showing like their fellow northern European,
A complexion,
Of a lighter shade of melanin,
Than Jews of Middle Eastern,
Or perhaps Spanish or Sepharadim,
Then there is the Lemba,
A tribe of southern Africa,
In Zimbabwe,
The former English colony,
Of Rhodesia,
Who claim their male ancestry,
Descended from,
Fair-haired men,
Who came by way,
Of the sea,
And surprisingly,
Most of the senior Lemba clan,
Also carry,
The Cohen modal halotype,
On their chromosomal YAP,
Although this genetic,
Could conceivebly have occured between,
This black African tribe,
And the Jewish Turkic Khazarian,
Whose Cohenim priesthood,
Could have,
Made this immigration,
The immigrants are believed to have,
Arrived from the direction,
Of Yemen,
But even the Middle Eastern cohenim,
Would have seemed,
To them,
These cohenim may have come,
With the empire of the Sabean,
Around the beginning,
Of the first millennium,
Although specific religious ritual,
Is not genetic,
But learned,
And although their is no rabbi,
Or Torah,
To remind them,
Certain eating traditions,
Associated with Judaism,
Are to this day passed on,
Regardless of modern Christian,
Or Moslem proselytism,
Around them,
As is probably circumcision,
Cutting of the fold of the penis’ skin,
A behavior practiced by all of them,
Although no fundamentalist Jew would call,
Their overall,
Belief system,
The African mother or mothers,
Who provided their eggs,
With their mitrochondrichal genes,
Which is only passed by them,
And is a completely feminine contribution,
Is herself heir to a longer,
Than the male cohenim’s religious privilege,
And after all,
Is probably the mother of us all,
Just as by now the Indian,
Or Persian,
No longer shows the lightness of hair or skin,
Of the original invading Aryans,
Who were probably,
Pallid Slavs or Lithuanians,
When they invaded India around 2000 BC,
They are closer,
 To the color,
Of those surrounding them,
Whether they are now Hindu or Moslem,
Their languages remain Indo-Aryan,
Product of an ancient invasion,
Or invasions,
Product of cultural and genetic collision,
Or collisions,
Even before the Jewish Diaspora,
Or dispersal,
From their pre-Christian era homeland,
In Palestine,
The Holy Land,
Or Jerusalem,
This Semitic Hebrew-speaking linguistic group,
Had long been stirring and mixing their genetic soup,
A Hittite,
Was the mother of King Solomon,
While self-righteous Moses married a Midianite,
The Jewish hero Samson,
Wed a Philistine,
Who treated him mean,
Joseph married Asenath,
Daughter of a priest who was Egyptian,
A Heathen,
The Jewish patriarch,
Or founding father Abraham,
With the godly covenant and its arch,
Who went unto the Egyptian,
Slave girl,
Property of his wife Rachel,
She bore him Ishmael,
Whom he abandoned,
Then the son of Rachel,
Whom he almost killed,
Claiming it god’s will,
All because god gave him a sign,
Religion already getting out of line,
In the area,
Between Eurasia,
And Africa,
Tribes came wandering,
From many a region,
Perhaps even Mongolian,
Which before the horse was far from their home,
More likely there was the African Negroid,
Or the western Asian Caucasoid,
Comprised of speakers Semitic,
Perhaps even Turkic,
Or some other language or dialect,
Now extinct,
And Indo-Aryan,
With and against each other in competition,
That northern agrarian Caucasoid,
The “Europoid,”
Now lived in this region,
Such as the Ammorites,
Fair-haired and light,
Of skin,
And probably speaking,
A language that was Indo-Aryan,
Like their Hittite kin,
Another formerly,
Migrating pedestrian,
Now with horse and cattle,
Migrating south and ready to do battle,
But no longer pedestrian,
As were most of the Middle Eastern,
Pastoral or animal-herding tribesmen,
Providing the invading Indo-Aryan,
Horse riding,
Chariot-driving invader,
A temporary,
Territorial and military,
Both in of movement in battle,
And in tending, feeding,
And moving his cattle,
Which allowed them to take and to found Persia,
Not to mention northern India,
The Arabian horse will come later,
After their domestication,
And introduction,
By the Aryan invader,
Perhaps 4,000 years or so,
Although for a desert ramble,
Arabs would still prefer the camel,
The Hittites,
Who competed in ancient Greek Olympics,
With their horses and chariots,
Whose Indo-Aryan language was made explicit,
Though deciphering their syllabic,
Before this was done,
Believed they were Mongolian,
Indo-Aryan Semitic and Turkic,
Three groups defined by linguistic characteristics,
All a product of western Asian past environmental adaptation,
All three generally Caucasian,
All three probably western Asian,
In origin,
Unless we wish to go further back,
To a past when we were all African,
Where every Homo Sapien,
Ultimately comes from,
Although one Caucasoid version,
Of the Homo Sapien,
May have roamed,
As far east as Japan,
Perhaps even reaching the land,
Of the Austral-Asian,
Perhaps a small population,
Of black-haired,
Even crossed the Bering,
At the same time,
That the Mongolian,
Was making the same crossing,
With a larger population,
There to become,
And then American,
Many a millennium,
Before the evolution,
Of the agrarian,
Homo Sapien,
Several dozens of millennia ago they crossed,
On the same land bridge,
Several million years past,
Over which,
The ancestor of the camel and the horse passed,
In the opposite direction,
Before man evolved to hunt and dissect them,
Later to domesticate them,
Those that remained,
To be tamed,
Were now Eurasian,
In their American homeland,
The horse and camel would be driven,
To extinction,
Not to forget the mastadon,
That until a few dozen millennia ago,
Made this Asian-American,
Alaskan land bridge its home,
Or the wooly mammoth,
A giant beaver,
The saber-tooth tiger,
And other wildlife,
Too numerous to mention,
All by now driven to extinction,
By changing environment,
The human hunting tradition,
All of this during a past ice age,
When the earth’s frozen waters lowered,
The ocean’s level,
An Asian-American,
Crossing we call the Bering,
Lost histories,
Lost Ice Age memories,
From the Indo-Aryan,
Northerly-migrating agrarian,
With his pallid complexion,
To the southwestern Asian,
Or Middle Eastern Caucasian,
Of Semitic or other linguistic persuasion,
Whether pastoral or agrarian,
The southern Caucasian,
Has more melanin,
Skin, eye or hair pigmentation,
Than the Indo-Aryan,
Or proto-European,
They’re both Caucasian,
The Caucasoid warriors,
Clashing at their leaders’ orders,
Hoping to be conquerors,
Of each other’s borders,
Each others’ territories,
While sharing larger geographical boundaries,
With the Mongoloid of Asia,
The Negroid of Africa,
Occasionally exchanging memes,
Occasionally exchanging genes,
These Homo Sapiens,
All three,
Defined in anthropology,
Or archaeology,
By the physiology,
Of the skeleton,
Or cranium,
Which after hundreds of years,
Or a millennium,
Is generally all that is left of them,
The quality of preservation,
Of the 2-4 thousand years old Indo-Aryan,
Mummies found,
Recently in western China’s desert land,
Are not the rule but the exception,
In terms of the quality of their preservation,
They are of flesh and not just skeleton,
Having less melanin,
Hair, eyes and skin pigmentation,
Than the southern agrarian,
Whom they probably descended from,
The lightening of the northern European,
Or proto-European,
Was the result of taking,
Grain agriculture,
Further north than it had ever been before,
An adaptation to the Vitamin D,
Suffered by the Indo-Aryan,
Or proto-European,
Living on the edge of the Gulf Stream,
Making Europe warmer than,
It would otherwise have been,
This lightening,
Of European,
Hair, eyes and skin,
Probably occurred for the first time,
Only since the last glaciation,
To the formerly black-haired Caucasian,
Or western Asian,
Who had become,
A northerly migrating,
Pedestrian agrarian,
Between the horse and the plow,
As one might see it now,
Between the traditional agricultural,
And the revolutionary horse-assisted pastoral,
One might say between Cain and Abel,
An identity as an Aryan,
Which in their language originally meant agrarian,
To them,
Later they domesticated horses,
Then rode them in successive waves,
To the south again,
Where their ancestors had once been,
Or proto-European,
Speakers who some call Kurgan,
Eventually invaded and colonized southern,
European land,
Bringing horses and their cattle with them,
So they would become,
Not only Persian and Indian,
But the fair-haired Celt,
Greek and Latin,
All of them,
Like the ancient Sanskrit-speaking Indian,
Spoke languages that are Indo-Aryan,
On the land of earlier invading,
And colonizing,
Who may or may not have spoken,
Languages that were Indo-Aryan,
They may have spoken,
A language that became extinct long ago,
Nonetheless they both probably descended from,
The southern agrarian,
Western Asian,
And as they did in the Middle East,
And Iran,
The Indo-Aryan speakers,
Brought the horse with them,
For all we know,
They also,
And raided,
The increasingly marginalized native European,
Hunter and gatherer,
Who couldn’t compete with agriculture,
Nor oppose the conversion,
Of their land,
To pasture,
The first Kurgan,
Or Indo-Aryan,
Into what will become,
European land,
Are much earlier than the invasions,
Into Persia,
Or India,
Perhaps by a couple of millennia,
According to archaeological investigations,
Perhaps earlier than 4,000 BC,
Which corresponds roughly,
With the archaeological discovery,
Of remains,
Of artifacts,
Such as horses’ bits,
Associated with the domestication,
Of horses in the Ukraine,
Which is approximately the direction,
From which these invaders came,
When they mounted their first invasion,
Into what will become,
The land,
Of the European,
Which is named after them,
Before they lived on its rim,
Between the eastern-most European,
Or proto-European,
Forest land,
And the western-most Asian,
Where the horses ran,
But still,
With their horses,
Cattle and all,
They were agrarian,
Even in China’s desert land,
The mummy of one,
Female Indo-Aryan,
Dies with her wheat in her hand,
The definition of Aryan,
Is agrarian,
And what of the agrarian Europeans,
Who proceeded them?
By several millennia,
Before the 4,000 BC invasion,
Of the horse-riding Indo-Aryan,
Into the land of the Old European,
Surely it was a disruption,
For them,
With the coming Indo-Aryan invasion,
But being agrarian,
Probably prevented their extinction,
Instead they most likely became absorbed,
Into the subculture of the Indo-Aryan,
Or proto-European,
After all they were also agrarian,
With experience of their region,
Not like the hunter-gatherer,
Who would have no value to a culture,
Bringing with them agriculture,
Or cattle to pasture,
And the larger population this would foster,
Even as late as 1,500 BC,
There were still migrations,
Probably coming from the European northeast,
Invading down to the Mediterranean and Greece,
And Dorians,
With light hair,
Fair of skin,
Perhaps barbarian,
Nonetheless the Western European,
And American,
Still look upon them,
As an inspiration,
The model of sophistication,
Founding the Golden Age,
Of Greek civilization,
Even if it was done over the graves of the Minoan,
Who for all we know could have been,
A southern branch of the linguistic group Indo-Aryan,
A darker, less pallid version,
Who migrated in the opposite direction,
For millennia,
Before fate brought them back together again,
And even later,
Alexander the Great’s father,
Invading from Macedonia,
Into Greece and taking it over,
Is just another of many a northern invader,
Northern usurper,
Immigrating to southern Europe hoping to take it over,
Just as they will in western Europe and Italy,
They will also come south as farmers,
Just as the Slavs moved south to the Balkans and Serbia,
As late as the first and second millennia AD of our era,
The millennial migrations,
Of proto-Europeans,
From northeastern regions,
With light hair and skin,
To the European south and west,
Seems lost in the past,
A vague memory at best,
Yet it was much more historically striking,
Than those relatively frightening,
But much smaller and less impacting,
Brief couple of centuries of the northwestern Viking,
Or that brief 13th century AD east-to-west invasion,
Of the Mongolian,
The Viking was a late-coming,
Relative of them,
That is to say,
The ancient invading,
Just as their western European victims had been,
All by now were descended from,
And speaking a language of,
The northeast European,
That is the proto-European,
Who would become,
Celt, Greek, Latin, or Kurgan,
And on and on,
Many from one,
Northeast to southwest migration,
Of speakers of languages Indo-Aryan,
Into the land we now call European,
Lasting millennium,
On end,
Even the Old European agrarian,
Who had survived and mated with them,
After they came riding in,
In fact,
To a lightening,
Of the complexion,
Of the southern European,
More than it would otherwise have been,
And vice-versa,
In this southern European land,
Where Vitamin D can,
Be had by sunlight simply striking the skin,
In the land of King Solomon,
Where the Cohenim,
Will lie with the king,
For the power it will bring,
Just as the priests did then,
In the land,
Of the Egyptian,
Or Mesopotamian,
Or in the land,
Of the Indo-Aryan Indian,
Where the king and his power rests,
Upon being blessed,
By the priestly class Brahman,
And later that Roman-Christian,
Priestly alignment,
With the kings,
Of the Europeans,
Or the Moslems,
With their Mullas,
And Ayotolas,
Taking from both Judaism and the Christian,
To found their religion,
Using only Allah or Mohammed,
To bind them,
To more easily control them,
The church-state religious dilemma,
The consolidation,
Of religion,
Of the western Asian,
Sacrificed to state-ism,
Moses carved his commandments into stone,
While wise King Solomon,
Cut his share of the cedars of Lebanon,
Then they were buried and then they were gone,
But there will be others who come along,
Guatama Buddha,
Will deny the authority of the priestly class,
Of the Indo-Aryan Indian,
Vedic religion,
Later Jesus in spirit will join him,
Challenging the relation,
Of Caesar with Judaism,
While telling them the old ways no longer apply,
No longer a tooth for a tooth,
An eye for an eye,
No longer go out and multiply?
But to turn the other cheek,
To be meek,
A difficult sale,
In the land of the alpha male,
Guess someone should have told Jesus,
To look before you speak,
The church-state people,
Uniting to cripple,
The power of the individual,
How paradoxical,
That two individual men,
Who challenged the union,
Of state with religion,
Would each become one,
A state religion,
And yet Buddha,
Descendent of India’s Kshatria warrior class,
Whose position is blessed,
By Vedic priests,
Will rebel against them,
Then 500 years from then,
Jesus from whatever class or station,
Is also questioning them,
The Jewish ones,
In Jerusalem,
Jesus takes his complaint,
Right to the city gate,
And the temple,
Render unto Caesar,
What is Caesar’s,
Is it really that simple?
Just don’t do it in the temple,
Buddha would be more at home,
In the forests where Vedic priests would leave him alone,
In the sacrificial centers did they belong,
Yet educated to a level,
Of intellectual,
That would not be equalled in that time,
By any other nation,
The appreciation of the Buddhist era Indian,
For education,
And informal,
Universities in cities,
Universities amongst the trees,
India supported these,
More than other countries,
No doubt seekers of education,
Came from both eastern and western Asian,
To attend them,
Indian trade and industry flourishing then,
500 years before,
The Christian era began,
And while the New Testamental,
Biblical parables,
Or fables,
Of Jesus will,
Tell of the miracle,
Of bringing the dead back to life,
The story of Lazarus and Jesus,
And loaves of bread for the masses,
The lame,
To walk and the blind to see,
Difficult tasks one should agree,
Or turning water into wine,
It certainly seemed a miracle at the time,
Or walking on water,
Which in the Mediterranean region,
Is something,
Like swimming through ice in Finland,
Surely a miracle of Jesus,
Had he been Finnish,
And spent the winter there,
The cultural relativity,
Of mythology,
In relation to geography,
In the Greek times of Zeus,
When there were a number of gods,
From which to choose,
Some centuries,
At least,
Before Jesus,
________Crying tears that turn to rain,
For her lost daughter Persephone,
Used to explain,
The rainy season of the Mediterranean,
Before modern meteorology began,
To its Mediterranean environment,
Buddha doesn’t say,
I’m the way,
But that many paths lead,
To Nirvana,
And may lead back to the world around you,
If you must return,
To  work out your bad karma,
For him,
No walking on water,
But a desire,
To get back to nature,
When a revived agriculture,
Was increasing population pressure,
To be a prince and a father,
Better not to bother,
While some interpret reincarnation,
As a reward of Buddhism,
For Buddha it is just an endless repetition,
A vicious cycle to be rid of,
No reward,
Not  like that of blending with the void,
More the good psychologist,
Than the deluded religionist,
With his four noble truths,
With their Eightfold Path,
He renounced the Brahman,
Priestly class,
Breaking with his Indo-Aryan,
Hindu past,
Rejecting its social apartheid,
With its system of caste,
Religion had become vice,
A sado-masochistic sacrifice,
Maintaining social position at what price,
Buddha believed,
The greatest reward was to be freed,
From earthly need,
Earthly greed,
Or to be born again,
Was not a reward to him,
More like punishment for past sin,
One must repeat the cycle again,
Buddha believed,
That by following these rules,
One would be relieved,
From the bondage of rebirth,
Of returning to the earth,
To escape the wheel,
The eternal cycle,
But to reach this state called Nirvana,
One must strive in this life,
To have good karma,
So what you sow,
Won’t come back to harm you,
Buddha proposed a Middle Way,
Pronouncements of Brahmans,
Not listening to what they say,
Ignoring the caste system,
Hoping it would go away,
Or maybe Nirvana would keep it at bay,
Buddha was probably more historical,
More documentable,
Than Jesus,
A messiah,
A leader,
Already prophesied by the people,
Of Judea,
Jesus was more fictional,
Providing alpha male roles,
To fulfill the Dead Sea Scrolls,
And in Spain,
It is said,
That many a Catholic Indo-Aryan,
 Are still carrying,
In their veins,
Blood of the Semitic,
Who migrated there when,
And from exactly where,
Who knew?
But of course the Arabic-speaking Moors did too,
And as the Moslems were driven,
From the Catholic Spain,
And the European,
Spread south,
Through military force,
So would pride of being of northern,
Light skin and its corresponding,
Exposure of the color,
Of the veins,
Not only the paranoia of the insecure Christian,
Would reign,
But blue-blood became,
A mark of privilege in southern,
Formerly Moslem,
It is said,
That when Moors first came,
Across from north Africa,
And into Spain,
That the Jew opened,
Christian gates,
To let them in,
But then again,
They had long been,
Of and from Spain,
Were not just money lenders,
But of many a varied occupation,
Although those who were subsidized,
To the hispanic,
Or latinized Gothic Germanic,
Who were big spenders,
The Jews were more like pawns,
More like hostages,
Than free lenders,
The hypocrisy of the European,

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