Wednesday, October 8, 2014

ginger honey

ginger honey

ginger honey for instant use

ginger dried

Ginger Infused Honey (Fresh Ginger)


  • 1 pint mason jar
  • Local raw honey
  • 3-4 inches of fresh ginger rhizome


Peel the ginger like you would a carrot (optional) then slice the ginger thinly. Place it inside the jar, cover with honey, and push the air bubbles out of the honey. Put a lid on the ginger honey and place it in a sunny window sill or cold dark place. I prefer the window sill for the gentle warmth the sun provides to aid the infusion, and the joy I get from the light shining through the honey, but if you don’t have a window sill it can be stored in any cupboard. Let it sit for 4-6 weeks and strain out the ginger (or just leave it in until it is in the way). Enjoy any way you would enjoy regular honey!

Ginger Infused Honey (Dry Ginger)


  • 1 Pint mason jar
  • Local Raw honey
  • 4-5 Tbsp dry ginger


Pour the honey in the jar until it is half full, add the powdered ginger, then add the rest of the honey. Stir the honey well until the ginger is well incorporated. This honey can be used instantly and is the perfect remedy for an unexpected cold, flu, or stomach troubles.

Guatemala Tostaduria Antigua's Olmec,Mayan,Aztec Cacao-Honey and 100% Cacao 'Bakers Chocolate' -No Sugar ONLY Bitter Cacao Ground

 Tostaduria Antigua's Guatemala Origen Cacao Beans - from the Olmec-Mayan cultural region where, cacao spread from to the rest of the world although most all cacao cultivated today in other regions is NOT that of the Maya but an Amazon variety that had no previous history of cultivation or use in South America. 
Guatemala Cacao Beans   May be eaten like a nut and lower blood pressure immmediately and improve blood circulation among many other benefits.May be broken up and used in salad for crunch with you devising salad dressing to compliment flavor of cacao beans.Also may be ground with simple coffee blade grinder to make 'whole bean' cacao powder.
OUR CACAO-HONEY BARS OR SQUARES for eating can also be melted in milk for a chocolate honey drink or in blender for colds drink,etc.Also can be used by 'chocolatiers' to make honey-cacao based truffles,bon bons,etc.that are also themselves filled with honey based ingredients you devise..Or buy our Guatemala cacao bakers chocolate,melt with honey of equal approximate weight and form your own from your honey cacao 'chocolateirs' chocolate base.
100% Cacao 'Bakers Chocolate' -No Sugar ONLY Bitter Cacao Ground From Native Guatemala Origen cacao beans.Our half pound bag of lightly roasted cacao 'bakers chocolate' can be melted with ingredients,(flour,etc.) for brownies etc.or melted with half pound of honey to make 1 pound of cacao honey
for basic bars or for adding spices or your own honey based fillings. .
Both the finely ground  100% Cacao 'Bakers Chocolate' or the less finely ground powder can be melted or can be mixed into warm honey to make unbelieveably good pancake,waffle, french toast, etc., syrup Cinnamon powder,etc.,may be added  to your syrup mix if you like.You don't need butter because natural cacao has ALL its excellent cacao butter comparable to the best olive oil nutritionally.
The less finely ground 'whole bean cacao powder' can also be used in similar ways including in chocolate cookies in lieu of more processed choco chips.Really good mixed with yogurt and honey for quick simple snack or mixed on or in vanilla ice cream.The powder can be sprinkled on top or mixed into ice cream or more finely ground 'bakers chocolate' grated on top. The whole bean powder can be sprinkled on top or or stirred into a cafe con leche(coffee with milk).You won't believe how good it tastes.
Both beans AND ground cacao have amazingly long shelf life.


Tostaduria Antigua's Guatemala Origen Cacao Beans - from the Olmec-Mayan cultural region where , cacao spread from to the rest of the world.Even South American indigenous cultures made  no historic use cacao.While many consider Guatemalan cacao still the best in the world it has been decimated by agricultural mono-culture and industrialization of cacao by Dutch in 19th century has made cacao all tast the same.Now you can tate the difference natural cacao makes with honey instead of sugar!Best gift you could bring from Guatemala.

Guatemala Cacao Beans 
May be eaten like a nut and lower blood pressure immmediately and improve blood circulation among many other benefits.May be broken up and used in salad for crunch with you devising salad dressing to compliment flavor of cacao beans.Also may be ground with simple coffee blade grinder to make 'whole bean' cacao powder for hot chocolate or sprinkled on top coffee with milk as a 'whole bean' cacao powder.Your whole bean cacao powder can also be used to mix with yogurt and honey ! or mixed or sprinkled on top of ice cream ! or simply stirred into warm honey to make a pancake french toast or waffle syrup! Note if you don't wish to make your own powder you can buy it pre-made by us.Stays fresh for a looooooong time! The powder can be sprinkled on top or mixed into ice creamor more finely ground 'bakers chocolate' grated on top.(you can grate the chunks of cacao bakers chocolate on top) will make the best vanilla ice cream-chocolate you have ever had!

Cacao-Honey bars or squares
Cacao-Honey bars or squares for eating or melted in milk for a chocolate honey drink or in blender for colds drink,etc.Also can be used by 'chocolatiers' to make honey-cacao based truffles,bon bons,etc.that are also themselves filled with honey based ingredients.Or buy our Guatemala cacao bakers chocolate,melt with
honey of equal approximate weight and form your own from your honey.

                           Also  Unsweetened 100% Cacao 'Bakers Chocolate' And More!

100% Cacao 'Bakers Chocolate' -No Sugar ONLY Bitter Cacao Ground From Native Guatemala Origen cacao beans.Also use to make Cacao-Honey bars and cacao-honey for connoisseurs and health conscious chocolatiers wanting to experimiment with honey based truffles,bon bons,etc.The only REAL 'bean to bar' is with honey NOT sugar.Otherwise beans must be 'processed'.Our half pound bag of lightly roasted cacao 'bakers chocolate' can melted with ingredients,(flour,etc.) for brownies etc.or melted with half pound of honey to make 1 pound of cacao honey bars that can be eaten as is or with nuts, spices,etc.added to the bars or squares,etc..

                              -No Sugar ONLY Bitter Cacao Ground
This half pound ground bean from the land cacao culture(Olmec,Mayan,Aztec,etc).,originated from
can be melted with ingredients for brownies etc.or melted with half pound of honey to make 1 pound
of cacao honey bars that can be eaten as is or with nuts, spices,etc.added to the bars or squares,etc..

Melt to taste with milk and honey  to make your own REAL hot chocolate drink or add to blender to make
your own cold drink.Add honey or sugar,etc. to your taste.

The less finely ground 'whole bean cacao powder' can also be used in similar ways including in chocolate cookies in lieu of more processed choco chips.Really good mixed with yogurt and honey for quick simple snack or mixed on or in vanilla ice cream.Also sprinkled on top or or stirred into a cafe con leche(coffeee with milk).

Both the finely ground  100% Cacao 'Bakers Chocolate' or the less finely ground powder can be melted or can be mixed to into warm honey to make unbelieveably good pancake,waffle, french toast,etc.,syrup Cinnamon powder or other spice such as cardomom may be added  to your syrup mix if you like.You don't need butter because natural cacao has ALL its excellent cacao butter comparable to the best olive oil nutritionally.Also you would not believe how good it tastes in Vanilla ice cream !